Dear Charlie;
It was great to see DTN (Canadian Grain Analyst) Cliff
Jamieson at the Wheat Growers!
It is fun to hear so many folks comment about Agriville
as a positive wonderful tool for communication in our
agricultural community in Canada!
In our new found freedom... it is great to take time to
'smell the roses' and reward innovation, hard work,
and unselfish commitment to integrity.
I kept hearing that grain stocks are lower than it
appears... a very bullish attitude by everyone for the
agricultural community.
EZRA gave a great speech on western Canada and our
place (Past and Future) in Canada's prosperity.
While the 'Ludite' comparison to opposition of
prosperity isn't exact... real lessons can be learned
from CDN history about our future.
Ezra brought to our attention;
That there was consideration of Alberta and Sask.
being ONE province... called Buffalo! But it was thought
that together we could be too powerful.. so we were
split up.
Sask had just as many opportunities as AB... it was
thought that 10M people would populate SK by now...
yet they are at 1M and AB at 4M. In the early 1900's...
Sask was far ahead of AB.. yet the later part of the
1900's saw socialism stifle prosperity in SK..... while
AB became a power house of economic freedom and
growth. Private Property Rights in Alberta built
prosperity... while in SK socialism and government
intervention killed innovation.
It now appears we are seeing a shift in the other
direction... with SK recently prospering much more in
recent years.
Ezra did a great job of pointing out how the balance in
Canada has shifted... even more now with the Federal
Parliament giving AB, BC, and Ontario the 30 plus
extra seats in the House of Commons. Quebec got 3.
Agriculture is prospering in Western Canada... as is our
Oil and Gas Industry... while in Quebec they refuse to
develop their Oil and Gas... and stifle agriculture with
central planning and socialism.
Respect for Private Property Rights... and freedom of
choice... build responsible common sense
God Bless Canada
It was great to see DTN (Canadian Grain Analyst) Cliff
Jamieson at the Wheat Growers!
It is fun to hear so many folks comment about Agriville
as a positive wonderful tool for communication in our
agricultural community in Canada!
In our new found freedom... it is great to take time to
'smell the roses' and reward innovation, hard work,
and unselfish commitment to integrity.
I kept hearing that grain stocks are lower than it
appears... a very bullish attitude by everyone for the
agricultural community.
EZRA gave a great speech on western Canada and our
place (Past and Future) in Canada's prosperity.
While the 'Ludite' comparison to opposition of
prosperity isn't exact... real lessons can be learned
from CDN history about our future.
Ezra brought to our attention;
That there was consideration of Alberta and Sask.
being ONE province... called Buffalo! But it was thought
that together we could be too powerful.. so we were
split up.
Sask had just as many opportunities as AB... it was
thought that 10M people would populate SK by now...
yet they are at 1M and AB at 4M. In the early 1900's...
Sask was far ahead of AB.. yet the later part of the
1900's saw socialism stifle prosperity in SK..... while
AB became a power house of economic freedom and
growth. Private Property Rights in Alberta built
prosperity... while in SK socialism and government
intervention killed innovation.
It now appears we are seeing a shift in the other
direction... with SK recently prospering much more in
recent years.
Ezra did a great job of pointing out how the balance in
Canada has shifted... even more now with the Federal
Parliament giving AB, BC, and Ontario the 30 plus
extra seats in the House of Commons. Quebec got 3.
Agriculture is prospering in Western Canada... as is our
Oil and Gas Industry... while in Quebec they refuse to
develop their Oil and Gas... and stifle agriculture with
central planning and socialism.
Respect for Private Property Rights... and freedom of
choice... build responsible common sense
God Bless Canada