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investors buying farmland

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    investors buying farmland


    Towards the very end of the article he states "Investors should be buying things, investing, taking their savings and making sure that they are selling or shorting cash. That includes owning companies that produce gold, silver, resources, farmland, anything that kicks out a rate of return on commodities and goods that people require."

    Kinda hits it on the head as to why investors are driving up farmland value.

    My information just last night predicts $750 gold.
    Who the h knows?


      Too bad they weren't all legitimate investors,
      another group of Chinese bought land in the
      area...phoned farm land security board, company
      is called "yangs crop corp" one Canadian
      shareholder, f.l.s.b. rubber stamped it! Borderline


        If your "information" didnt put you into gold ten
        years ago,i would worry about how competent
        your "information"is,or keep banging your head
        against the wall,who cares.


          Info is correct "who cares"? I care this is land that
          will never be resold, it affects the lives and
          viability of all our smaller centres, start caring and
          get ur head outa ur ass!


            cott was replying to sumdum.....


              Viability of small centers is far more
              related to farm size than anything. Where
              there used to be 50 farmers now 2 farm
              it. Those 2 don't buy anymore groceries.


                Cotton, Good for you. We all have our own ship
                to sail. I was just passing on the info. Most of it is
                pure crap, but nonetheless, its interesting.


                  So are them 2 farmers pillars of the community,
                  wd9? not sure who's to blame for the lack of
                  groceries, the 2 farms still visible in the community
                  or the sellers that don't support their town or moved
                  away. Economics make the decision for a family to
                  make a choice whether to buy or sell, but often it is
                  up to the remaining family visible in the community
                  to be held accountable for a decision, not the ones
                  that moved away, then the sellers look down on the
                  community on their way through every year, talking
                  about the greedy Smith's who needed all this land! It
                  works both ways! No one side is too blame.

                  I guess in a perfect rural setting we could all support
                  our family on 160 ac. It would be nice to see these
                  small towns thrive again and get back to the
                  basics.But until then, excess it up!!!


                    Maybe pillars, maybe not. Point is as you
                    know, not enough critical mass to keep
                    the small town open.

                    So maybe it doesn't matter if those two
                    live in that area or 5000 miles away.


                      This has been happening since 1940. Studies
                      were done in the 70s re rural depopulation. Now
                      it is actually happening in 3rd world countries like
                      China. You guys think it is hutterites or
                      immigrants that are causing it? Holy crap, give me
                      a break! Fact of the matter is Ag has not been
                      that profitable some years. In today's economy
                      no one is going to live on a small farm's income.
                      Is this the new issue that keeps the NFU alive?


                        Yah that's right Dave, throw the towel in and
                        resign yourself we don't need you. People like u
                        will sit there with ur thumb up ur ass, waitin to get
                        run over like an f...in freight train, as for the rest of
                        us, we will try our damndest to encourage policy
                        change for the good of the ag community and for
                        young farmers that have some jam and give er go
                        just like the immigrants that came here with
                        nothing over a 100 yrs ago


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