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Bob Roehle "current system [Wheat/Bly market is]"unlawful, undemocratic and ... unsustainable."

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    Bob Roehle "current system [Wheat/Bly market is]"unlawful, undemocratic and ... unsustainable."

    "PUBLICATION: Meadow Lake Progress
    DATE: 2013.01.24
    EDITION: Final
    SECTION: News
    PAGE: 6
    ILLUSTRATION: Photo By Paul Turenne,/Winnipeg Sun
    Pro-Wheat Board protestors rally outside the Wheat
    Board's Winnipeg headquarters in October, 2011.
    WORD COUNT: 343
    Wheat Board won't be back: Supreme Court

    Last Thursday the Supreme Court of Canada has
    dismissed an attempt to have the Wheat Board put
    back in charge. The Wheat Board formerly held a
    monopsony over wheat sales.

    A monopsony is a situation in which one buyer is able
    to dictate terms to many sellers, similar to a monopoly
    where one seller can dictate terms to many buyers.
    The federal government established laws last summer
    that allow wheat and barley farmers to sell their
    commodities to any purchaser they choose. Since the
    1940s, Canadian farmers were required to sell grain
    through the $6-billion a year Wheat Board, which the
    Tories got rid of via an Order-in-Council, saying it
    infringed on market freedom.

    However, a group called Friends of the Wheat Board
    filed a court application Sept. 19 to have the decision
    against the Wheat Board overturned. The organization
    is made up of farmers and other citizens who support
    the now defunct Wheat Board.

    The Friends of the Wheat Boards claimed that the
    decision to do away with the Wheat Board merely
    grants a handful of multinational corporations greater
    stake in the Canadian grain sector, instead of
    encouraging fair competition as the government

    They describe the former Wheat Board as a "pro-
    farmer monopoly" and accuse the current system of
    being "unlawful, undemocratic and ... unsustainable."
    The group also bristles at what it called a lack of
    consultation with farmers on the decision to do away
    with the Wheat Board.

    Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz does not share the
    Friends of the Wheat Board's views. Ritz

    aid most farmers are already taking advantage of the
    open market.

    "We are pleased with today's decision that upheld the
    rights of western Canadian grain farmers to make their
    own business decisions."

    Bob Roehle, co-ordinator of the Friends of the Wheat
    Board, put Ritz's comments in another context.

    "Farmer are enjoying some of the highest prices right
    now, but that's because there was a drought last year
    in the U.S. and Canada had a good crop. Those prices
    cover up a lot of market flaws, and the question is how
    those farmers feel next year when prices aren't as

    Friend ofthe Wheat Board plans to keep fighting. They
    have launched a $17-billion lawsuit against the federal
    government, saying the number "represents the value
    of what's been lost" in dismantling the Wheat Board.

    The trial date is yet to be announced."

    "Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz does not share the
    Friends of the Wheat Board's views. Ritz

    aid most farmers are already taking advantage of the
    open market." was the sentence I missed...


      Ritz is a fu-kn cracker, always was,
      always will beeee! What does a cracker
      no, other than his destiny, ta be crushed
      and thrown in hot, hot, soup!!!!



        Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust... or are
        you our judge and above the rest of us lowly mortals



          Bob Roehle was never and will never be on the farmers side. He is only looking out for the jobs of his freinds at the CWB. He is a spin doctor of the CWB and the NDP in Manitoba. His last job was a communication dept of the CWB. He is an arrogant piece of work I hope all his freinds at the CWB lose their jobs without severance cheques. Just like the farmers have suffered with documented lower prices from the CWB that the free market will pay. All the best to Mr.Ritz and his forward thinking



            Agriweek says the CWB building is up for sale!

            Selling CWB pooling... is kind of like this Joke... the
            'single desk' pooling like this old mule!


            Thanks to Allan Johnson...

            JOKE: Mule Trading

            Kelly & Leroy saw an ad in the Starkville Daily in
            Starkville, MS. and
            bought a mule for $100.

            The farmer agreed to deliver the mule the next day.

            The next morning the farmer drove up and said,
            "Sorry, fellows, I have some
            bad news, the mule died last night."

            Kelly & Leroy replied, "Well, then just give us our
            money back."

            The farmer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it

            They said, "OK then, just bring us the dead mule."

            The farmer asked, "What in the world ya'll gonna do
            with a dead mule?"

            Kelly said, "We gonna raffle him off."

            The farmer said, "You can't raffle off a dead mule!"

            Leroy said, "We shore can! Heck, we don't hafta tell
            nobody he's dead!"

            A couple of weeks later, the farmer ran into Curtis &
            Leroy at the Piggly
            Wiggly grocery store and asked.

            "What'd you fellers ever do with that dead mule?"

            They said, "We raffled him off like we said we wuz
            gonna do."

            Leroy said, "Shucks, we sold 500 tickets fer two dollars
            a piece and made a
            profit of $998."

            The farmer said, "My Lord, didn't anyone complain?"

            Kelly said, "Well, the feller who won got upset. So we
            gave him his two
            dollars back."

            Kelly and Leroy now work for the government.They're
            overseeing the Bailout & Stimulus Programs.

            Limit all U.S. politicians to two Terms.

            One in office and one in prison.


              Have'nt these NFU/CWB guys kicked themselves in the nuts enough...?

              We would have a hell of alot better chance at proving the old single desk cost prairie farmer $17 billion over the last 70 years.


                Coming from Manitoba, I cant truly tell ya ... It's nice to finally see the socialists sucking the hind teat for a change.
                Long live the free markets !
                and God bless Canada


                  Sorry, should have said
                  I " CAN " truly tell ya


                    Burbert, somewhere in Cuba or North Korea
                    a village has lost their idiot. Go claim
                    your "throne".


                      The CWB is gonna be saved now. Farmers of
                      North America is gonna handle farmer
                      relations for them. Damn just renewed my
                      membership with them before I heard this
                      nonsense. Maybe this is a last ditched
                      attempt to tread water before they go down
                      with the ship.


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