cottonpicken: Your ass is suckin' slough water if you think those companies are losing money. RECORD PROFITS were the headlines in the Calgary papers a while back.
Because those companies pay very, very little royalties until ALL capital costs are recovered, they can afford to pay big wages to their workers AND their MANAGEMENT. Its a waiting game for the province...they hope some day for these companies to make money but it so far has not happened. Good planning or what? Good crooked tactics is more like it.
The whole oilsands development is so secretive that the public is left in the dark about what really goes on. The governments of Alberta and Canada both withhold data claiming it to be privileged information. There is also a myriad of agreements that I doubt will ever be opened to the public.
Because those companies pay very, very little royalties until ALL capital costs are recovered, they can afford to pay big wages to their workers AND their MANAGEMENT. Its a waiting game for the province...they hope some day for these companies to make money but it so far has not happened. Good planning or what? Good crooked tactics is more like it.
The whole oilsands development is so secretive that the public is left in the dark about what really goes on. The governments of Alberta and Canada both withhold data claiming it to be privileged information. There is also a myriad of agreements that I doubt will ever be opened to the public.