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Premier Redford... The TRUTH please...

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    wd9 I think you hit a real sleeper to do with reclamation . How many orphan wells are there in alta and how many more will there be? I have a well on my land that is in recevership that I get no rent on for now at least as there is no money so who is going to foot the bill, us? There is about 20 wells in this deal( area).
    These oil companys chamnge owners more often than a hooker changes partners so when the bills get to big they will declare bancrupsy and walk after the easy money is sucked off.
    And no I dont believe there is this big pool of money to lookafter this kind of thing that the oil and gov hint about.


      The big bad boogey man companies,who are
      raping and pillaging,except they are
      companies,with shareholders,like pension plan
      funds and mutual funds,but you dont own any,but
      you might and not know it.

      Then you get to the employees off those
      companies,know how much those men working
      for those companies are paying back in taxes?

      Want me to show the frickin math on one of those
      guys loosing their jobs compared to a couple of
      guys pumpin gas for minium wage?the fall out
      effects on government tax revenues?

      We should bless our little hearts there are high
      paying jobs whos workers fuel this collassal jabba
      the hut government.


        ^^^ X2. What Cotton said.

        There are just some problems that are good problems to have. The 'sands are one of those.


          Cotton Yea you got it right lets pay everyone double or mabey triple and all our money problems are solved. Or mbey every town get an pro team and just watch the mola roll in.



            like the old saying goes... Keep your friends close...
            and your enemies closer.

            some of us did vote for who the premier was going to
            be... AND LOST. Our family wanted to make sure... it
            wasn't ... TED MORTON!

            Nice to know what the P.C.'s are thinking... wouldn't
            you say ASRG?



              quick, lets build more pipelines so we can ship out our 35 dollar discounted heavy oil even faster....... or maybe its time to start shipping refined product?


                1. If you have existing contracts with oil
                companies with set royalty rates, raising rates is
                breach of contract - not a road that a western
                democracy really wants to travel down. Eg. Hugo
                Chavez. Raise new royalties where they don't
                break existing contacts all you want, but be aware
                of consequences.

                2. Cotton is right, the province gets its tax revenue
                when salaries, and shareholders get paid. Tax the
                profit away before you pay the employees or
                shareholders and the incentive to produce
                reduces or disappears.

                3. Creating a mountain of refined product
                thousands of miles from your markets doesn't
                make economic or practical sense. How many
                more pipelines would you need with highly volatile
                explosive products transported in them?

                Just saying.


                  To expand on what Horse was getting at about orphaned wells. What would be the best approach for someone who is negotiating with an oil company about drilling on there land. If u start putting in too many stipulations in the contract wouldn't they just go negotiate with the neighbor. Just in reference to cleanup and environmental issues.


                    The word "truth" and "a politician's name" can not be used in the same sentence.

                    Does not matter the party.

                    Deep thoughts.



                      Even when a politician does EXACTLY what they said
                      they would do... LIKE BRAD WALL... you still include
                      them in this statement?

                      How can anyone ever govern... if the citizen takes this
                      point of view?

                      What are you saying about Wildrose? Not perfect... but
                      the principal of not planning deceit and being honest...
                      lost the election for them! How are we all better off
                      with this outcome?



                        FarmRanger, nope. The government is
                        missing out on a huge income that just
                        gets absorbed in US oil companies. From
                        obscene profits to almost obscene, that
                        would be the shift, yet at least Alberta
                        would get some benefit.

                        Give it away. Be afraid to raise
                        royalties and live in fear watching the
                        environment getting destroyed with no
                        reserve to pay for it. Solid plan that
                        is endorsed by most albertans. Perfect.

                        Cana't believe people can argue for
                        albertans giving our natural resources
                        away in the name of a few getting income
                        distorting wages.


                          wd9: For once we have something that we agree on. The AB government is selling out the ranch from beneath our feet and nobody is the wiser it seems.


                            "a few getting income distorting wages"

                            You definition of "few" and mine must be different. The hundreds of thousands of people that derive their families income from the oil industry might disagree with yours too.

                            I am utterly astonished at the myopic view some have of the corporate structure. They see the odd seven figure CEO income and become blind to the billions of dollars of wealth creation shared with employees, suppliers, customers, governments and shareholders. Really, where would we be now if we didn't have this innovative structure that allows for the pooling of capital to achieve a common goal?

                            If the oil companies had no prospect of making a profit in Alberta, they would not be there, and then where would the people of Alberta be? The answer is, Saskatchewan, BC, North Dakota, etc. etc. etc.


                              Colle, they make obscene profit.


                                Horse: If you aren't getting paid rent for an abandoned well, due to bankruptcy, you can apply to the Surface rights board and they will pay you? Contact the Farmers Advocate Office and ask for Carol Goodfellow.


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