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I think we need a vote on China purchasing farm land!

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    I think we need a vote on China purchasing farm land!

    State your position on should China under their colonization own Canadian Farm Land!
    Yes or No and state why?

    Ok Im against this new found take over of our land. Selling out for pennies now for a few so that the rest of us left standing become Serfs to the new Owners!

    Can a canadian buy land in china?


      10 year citizenship minimum required.

      No offshore corporate purchases of farmland.

      This is the conquering of another country without using bullets.


        That is all the criteria Canada's government should need to shut down the current trend.

        But since most politicians have zero vision, they won't realize what is happening until there is a chinese premier or prime minister.

        If they thought protecting Potash was important, they had soon have a hard look at what farmland ownership is worth.

        Its sort of stupid that ministers talk about the value of food into the future and then let the raw natural resource, in this case the land, be put into foreign hands.


          I also think that young Canadian farmers
          should not have to compete with member
          in good standing of the party. How do
          people get money out of China to invest
          in foreign farmland anyways. I also
          know of a farm in Western Sask that was
          owned by someone who no longer had
          status in Canada and has recently been
          resold to a young couple from AB. so
          there is hope. Contact the Farm land
          security board with any information.


            Take a valium,chill out. You should know by now that in this country that anything concerning agriculture won't get any meaningful attention. They have to worry about the armed forces and bilingualism, agriculture isn't and in reality never was a priority. Remember a couple of little details, no matter who farms it will cost close to the same amount to grow the crop. After a few years of paying expenses and taxes in this country they will dispose of their land holdings and get into something more lucrative such as diamond mining or gold and uranium.


              Chinese or any other foreign investors should Not be able to own farm land unless the are citizens for 10 years, are going to pay taxes to RM's and the province and farm the land themselves. Open your eyes government, the farmland will be foreign owned and then what will happen?


                Interesting comment about the 10 year status.

                Currently in Saskatchewan, I think you have to be 18 to own farmland.

                I am more of the belief by the time my 13 year old is 18 he would have spent more time on a farm and in Canada than most immigrant investors will.

                Its time to start changing the laws to allow the next generation of Canadian farmers to take hold. Losing them will spell disaster to the farming industry as a whole quicker than any other time in history.

                Its easy to say just let the young ones take over, but I think our education policies have to change so they are ready to take over to be a farmers at age 18. Its great to learn about the world wars and their history, I won't discount that, but why are kids not learning the meaning of capital cost allowance, GPS, and variable rate technology in high school?


                  How about Germans, or Dutch or Swiss? Should we allow them to buy farmland?
                  I doubt many of us are First Nation people? We were the first "illegal immigrants" to them.....now we want to keep others out!



                    There is a fundamental difference this time around.

                    When the others came, they were settling communities, breaking and farming the land. They were the peasants from the other countries looking for a new life. They left everything behind or what little they had.

                    Now its about foreign countries owning our farmland. If these purchases go south they can go back to the government of china for more money.

                    I think a couples of dots in your theory have not been connected.


                      Asrg, the likes of henery kelsey and
                      john Palliser didn't come to the
                      prairies to find thousands of acres of
                      food crops being grown, they didn't find
                      a thriving culture with a mecha of
                      technology. They found a few hundred
                      stone age people scavenging on bison
                      when they weren't too busy burning the
                      prairie and fighting with each other.
                      Further more they singed treaties that
                      for the most part were glorified
                      surrender documents. Something that has
                      happened through history countless times
                      all over the world, most the time much
                      more brutally. It was the immigrants of
                      the early 20th century that built this
                      country and later fought to defend its
                      freedom. We are now at a point once
                      again when our sovereignty is at stake
                      and we are saying no. I'm sure no one on
                      here has a problem with immigrants
                      coming here and buying land for the
                      purpose of operating a farm. The problem
                      lies with communist government money or
                      proxy money being used to buy our most
                      important resources.


                        I agree coming to this country buying land to trade
                        it around like it's some kind of an equity on the tsx
                        is absolute insanity, as for the Chinese, people do
                        not understand that this is farmland that will never
                        be resold, will not matter how crappy farming gets
                        in the future, this a way cheap way for them to
                        expand their borders without firing missiles, no
                        different than the hutts, phone ur mla's, mp's and
                        let's voice our concerns!


                          Let's say one earth farms went up for sale and the chinese decided to pay out eric sprott so he could show them a return on investment.

                          What would stop the sale?

                          Or if the chinese investor decided to buy agcapita, assinibioa partnership etc., in a week there could be a miilion acres moved to chinese hands. Is that ok?

                          I know it could happen because the nielson brothers bought the cattle industry in a week in Saskatchewan, and the government was too ****ing stupid to catch on.


                            Simple, I Could Offer $100 Per Acre, And I Would Have Every Acre of Reserve Land Out West, Boy I Could Really F#ck Up Spott's Business Model Couple Phone Calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              I don't care who farms it, but there
                              should be a requirement that the owners
                              have to ACTIVELY farm it THEMSELVES.
                              Speculation has driven up the prices to
                              a point our potential young farmers
                              can't compete with Foreign Treasuries,
                              or Investor's deep pockets, this is what
                              I don't like. I don't mind when
                              "farmers" from Europe, Australia, South
                              Africa even China come and farm it
                              themselves. As I've said in a past
                              thread, if there hadn't been two
                              decades of tough times and negativity
                              towards ag we wouldn't be talking about
                              this. Even Sask land ownership rules
                              kept land prices artificially low, and
                              now that they are relaxed we have a
                              feeding frenzy the locals have trouble
                              participating in.

                              Have other provinces seen the
                              appreciation in farm land Sask has? I
                              know it was always more $ to start with
                              but did it go up in value the same
                              percent Sask's did? Are the other
                              provinces seeing the same Foreign and
                              Investor interest Sask is?


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