Asrg, the likes of henery kelsey and
john Palliser didn't come to the
prairies to find thousands of acres of
food crops being grown, they didn't find
a thriving culture with a mecha of
technology. They found a few hundred
stone age people scavenging on bison
when they weren't too busy burning the
prairie and fighting with each other.
Further more they singed treaties that
for the most part were glorified
surrender documents. Something that has
happened through history countless times
all over the world, most the time much
more brutally. It was the immigrants of
the early 20th century that built this
country and later fought to defend its
freedom. We are now at a point once
again when our sovereignty is at stake
and we are saying no. I'm sure no one on
here has a problem with immigrants
coming here and buying land for the
purpose of operating a farm. The problem
lies with communist government money or
proxy money being used to buy our most
important resources.
john Palliser didn't come to the
prairies to find thousands of acres of
food crops being grown, they didn't find
a thriving culture with a mecha of
technology. They found a few hundred
stone age people scavenging on bison
when they weren't too busy burning the
prairie and fighting with each other.
Further more they singed treaties that
for the most part were glorified
surrender documents. Something that has
happened through history countless times
all over the world, most the time much
more brutally. It was the immigrants of
the early 20th century that built this
country and later fought to defend its
freedom. We are now at a point once
again when our sovereignty is at stake
and we are saying no. I'm sure no one on
here has a problem with immigrants
coming here and buying land for the
purpose of operating a farm. The problem
lies with communist government money or
proxy money being used to buy our most
important resources.