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Farm Land Ownership

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    Farm Land Ownership

    Just a few questions to ponder on farm land ownership:
    How much land should one entity have title to? Should you Be able to farm endless amounts of acres? Should you live and raise your family on your farm? Should young new farmers(ones without a big farmer dad) get a break and how? What makes a big Corperate farmer any different than the Chinese? I know Ill get burnt for this so let me have it.

    The main problem with ownership of the
    assets by the Chinese government is that
    the same entity that owns the asset also
    controls the market. For instance in
    the case of nexen, the oil produced will
    be worth $50 per barrel in Canada so we
    get no royalty but once it gets to China
    it is worth $120. Farmland will work
    this way: your canola is subject to a 9%
    import tariff on the way into China.
    Yang and company's canola gets in with
    no tariff as it belong to the Chinese
    government in the first place. The
    other thing that will happen is work
    camps with foreign workers will be on
    the prairies with vast stretches of no
    mans land in between. I guess this is
    inevitable so there is nothing that can
    be done.



      It appears that if you wish to stop Chinese workers being brought in to mine coal in BC, you need some unions.
      Would you go for that if suddenly large areas of the prairies were being farmed by Chinese workers?


        I really don't have an issue with the corporate farm, as they are usually owned locally, have local people employed and support the local economy pay taxes etc. What I do have a problem with is the large investment companies,corporations buying up land, turning around and renting it out so they get a 6 or 8% return on their investment, and when they get scared of the economy they try to flip it for 3 times what they paid for it. The best way to stop this is DO NOT rent from these investment companies. If the Chinese plan to rent this land out, just walk away from it. Let them figure it out.


          Race rears its ugly head, again and again
          and again. Comedian red necked framers
          are disgusting to say the least. Butt
          wake up and smell the roses fellas, the
          yellow race is gonna rule the world sooner
          er later, no matter what Sask Comedian
          framers think er due!!!!


            I think the main issue here is that we have all been through a lot in our years of farming. We expanded and bought as we could. only to be overwhelmed by new comers. And at a time that they seen it coming before we did. Myself I would royally **** an investor while another maybe young guy would do the investor's bidding. Times are changing. Seriously I would **** the investor royally, no question. So the investors that are here must be some serious business persons to get into land rent in my opinnion.


              As I have said many times; maybe what is being said about Chinese competitors is but a symptom of a whole set of problems that very few are willing to discuss at the same time.


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