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Does your farm have a chemical disaster plan... $500K Fine

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    Does your farm have a chemical disaster plan... $500K Fine

    CHS Inc. Fined $500,000 for Failing to Report
    Hazardous Substance Spill in Montana
    CREATED: JANUARY 28, 2013

    The following information was released by the United
    States Attorney's Office for the District of Montana:

    The United States Attorney's Office announced that
    during a federal court session in Great Falls, on
    January 22, 2013, before U.S. District Judge Sam E.
    Haddon, Cenex Harvest States, Inc., (CHS Inc.) was
    fined $500,000 for failure to report a release of a
    hazardous substance. In addition, CHS will make a
    $50,000 payment to the Phillips County Rural

    Fire Department as community service and pay a $400
    special assessment.

    In an Offer of Proof filed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Kris
    A. McLean, the government stated it would have
    proved at trial the following:

    The Milk River Cooperatives' (MRC) facility at Malta is
    owned by CHS Inc. The MRC facility's primary business
    consisted of retail sales of feed and seed, fertilizers,
    pesticides, and herbicides to local farmers. During late
    2009, the herbicides stored at the MRC facility
    included approximately 1,800 pounds of materials
    containing the chemical 2,4-D.

    On November 21, 2009, at approximately 1:30 a.m.,
    the MRC facility caught fire. The Phillips County
    Volunteer Fire Department Chief arrived on the scene
    at approximately 2:00 a.m. The Chief observed the
    MRC facility manager on sight moving equipment to
    safety. The MRC facility manager told the Chief that
    the building held a variety of different chemicals. The
    Chief told the MRC facility manager to place berms in
    the ditches to contain the flow of chemicals and to "get
    hold of a hazmat team." The Chief was concerned
    about the liquid chemicals all over the floor of the
    building. The MRC facility manager watched large
    barrels of the chemical 2,4-D go up in flames. The
    MRC facility manager asked the fire department to not
    spray water on the fire to prevent the spreading of the
    chemicals. The Chief left the fire scene at
    approximately 4:30 a.m. and observed that most of
    the chemicals located inside the building had burned
    or released to the air and ground.

    The general manager for all MRC facilities arrived on
    the scene at approximately 3:30 a.m. Upon his arrival,
    the general manager took a CHS Inc. emergency
    response card out of his wallet and called CHS Inc.'s
    Environmental, Health and Safety Manager to notify
    him of the fire. The Environmental, Health and Safety
    Manager called the State of Montana Disaster and
    Emergency Planning Services (MDES) to report the fire
    at CHS Inc.'s Malta facility. The MDES planner that
    received the call understood that it was a warehouse
    fire and that chemicals such as glyphosate, 2,4-D and
    Round-up were contained in the warehouse. The MDES
    planner understood from CHS Inc.'s Environmental,
    Health and Safety Manager that the fire was small and
    of no significance. The MDES planner was not told that
    chemicals were released onto the ground or that the
    chemicals posed any risk. The MDES planner
    understood the fire was under control and contained in
    the facility. No one from CHS Inc. placed a call to the
    National Response Center or the EPA Emergency
    Response Center in Denver, Colorado.

    The manager of CHS Inc.'s Big Sandy facility also
    served as the safety manager for its Malta facility. This
    CHS Inc. manager responded to the fire scene at
    approximately 7:00 a.m. on November 21. The
    manager provided an inventory of chemicals that had
    been stored at the Malta facility to the Malta Fire
    Department. The manager was very concerned about
    products containing 2,4-D being toxic and dangerous
    when consumed in a fire. The manager later stated
    that if the wind had been blowing west, towards Malta,
    they would have evacuated the town. Shortly after the
    fire, 14 calves downwind at a ranch east of Malta died
    of a lung ailment. A veterinarian stated that toxic
    smoke from the fire could not be ruled out as a cause
    of death. CHS Inc. paid the owners of the calves
    market value for the dead calves and also purchased
    approximately 473 head of cattle that had been
    exposed to smoke from the MRC facility fire.

    Cleanup of the fire's aftermath included collection of
    6,750 gallons of a water/chemical mixture waste
    created by fire suppression efforts. Impacted soils
    around the facility were excavated. Approximately 130
    cubic yards of 2,4-D contaminated soil was collected
    and held for proper disposal.

    Congress has passed many laws regulating companies
    to be good neighbors to the environment. There is an
    existing regulatory framework to protect the public
    health of Montana citizens and Montana businesses. In
    fact, most of the environmental laws, like the
    Comprehensive Environmental Response
    Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), came into
    existence 30 or 40 years ago. Under CERCLA, CHS had
    the duty to immediately notify the National Response
    Center as soon as it had knowledge of an unpermitted
    release of hazardous substance, specifically the
    chemical 2,4-D. CHS failed its duty." said U.S. Attorney
    Michael W. Cotter. "The failure by any individual or
    corporation to properly report and handle a chemical
    spill will be investigated and prosecuted in the District
    of Montana. The U.S. Attorney's Office will continue to
    strive to protect Montanans' public health and safety
    and the environment for generations to come."

    Complete, accurate and honest reporting is essential in
    order to protect the public when harmful toxins are
    released from facilities," said Jeffrey Martinez, Special
    Agent in Charge of EPA's criminal enforcement
    program in Montana. "Following a fire and release of
    hazardous substances, the defendant failed to notify
    the proper authority as required by law." "Today's
    sentence shows that this type of conduct will not be

    The investigation was conducted by the Environmental
    Protection Agency's Criminal Investigation Division.

    Copyright 2013 States News Service


    Our plan is to, shoot shovel and shut-up.


      Canadian plan was to implement several phases in chemical warehouse standards. If you notice, all warehouses have containment areas based on the amount of chemical that is to be stored. This reads like a dealer not a farmer so I think we are covered. Maybe large farmers that have heated storage without proper containment with allot of pre-bought product may be at risk.


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