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Well the Sellers are finally getting paid!

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    Well the Sellers are finally getting paid!

    Well it might take a investor some time to raise the money it seems money has finally arrived to a few of last winters land sales.
    Were now in the $360,000.00 a quarter game. Thats for 91000 to 84000 assessed land.
    One sale was to a ontario farmer who is leaving and moving west. Another is to a south african farmer who i done with the trouble their and is moving his whole family. Plus his father and mother.
    Then their is the investor money, mortgages etc. One group north didnt seed a acre last spring rented out a few of their bought land it got seeded but their own farm didnt. Our sask crop insurance gave them a check for their hard work.
    Two sides to this story, new beginings and becoming part of the community and speculators who dont want to be part.
    Their also was two prime quarters that went to a local guy for 270 and 300. No one knew it was forsale.
    Getting close to my Hudye number and we are gone!
    Saskatchewan the land of Hopes and Dreams.

    I guess we should just enjoy the ride its looks good on paper!


      It takes a real saskatchawhiner to whine
      that values are going up for assets.
      What's next, complain grain prices are
      too high?


        Depends if you are a cattlefarmer or a young grain farmer looking to expand, current situations a very tough. Ultimate right now - mid 60's grain farmer looking to get out anytime in the next few years with little or no debt - never in history have things been better. All in perspective.


          If my land was worth that much, I would
          sell out, and become a rich man, and
          retire. Grow food on the home quarter,
          play around with it.

          I am 36 years old. I would do it. In a
          heart beat. In talks with bankers etc.
          Our land is in the 600-700 buck an acre
          range. Too many years of wet I guess.

          SF3 with 60 or so should be worth close
          to 20 million in land alone. Why the
          heck would you stay at it???

          Chinese or not.


            dont your boys want to farm sask3?


              If your selling great, buying not so great.
              My problem Malle my kids love the farm . So we
              sit and enjoy.


                Took a while to get a grip on the new reality. All
                the power to them.


                  Those Kawk Suckin F#ckin Sellout Hoodies Sold Out fer $1700 To Thee Acre. @ $360,0000 per 1/4 Yous Well Past Their Number Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    BTO I thinks it was 25 mill for the farm. Total number. HA HAHAHHAHA
                    Fun times fun times!!!


                      I'm waiting for rent to hit $120 then
                      I'll fish and sit on the beach all
                      summer scratching get my nuts. I was at
                      the young farmers conference this week
                      and there is enough stupidity coming
                      from the boys that have zero off farm
                      experience that are just taking over
                      daddy's 20,000ac farm that I'm confident
                      there will be more than enough land to
                      farm if grain prices drop $2/but and/or
                      interest rates go up 2%. Enjoy the ride.


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