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Desperately Trying to Derail Canadian Oil Sands - Frontier Online

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    Desperately Trying to Derail Canadian Oil Sands - Frontier Online

    interesting Article;

    February 1, 2013 (EM549AS)

    Desperately Trying to Derail Canadian Oil Sands

    All this has prompted oil sands and pipeline opponents
    to generate press releases and new “scientific reports,”
    in a desperate attempt to derail KXL permits, by raising
    scary sounding ecological issues. Assorted “experts”
    persist in trying to blame global warming and climate
    change for forest fires, droughts, floods, heat waves
    and even Hurricane Sandy – and say oil sands will
    somehow worsen these problems. But our planet
    hasn't warmed in 16 years, US hurricanes are at one of
    their lowest cyclical ebbs since the Civil War, humanity
    has confronted forest fires and severe weather events
    repeatedly throughout our history, and Sandy’s hardly
    unprecedented pounding of New York City was
    compounded by numerous ill-considered decisions by
    its political leaders.

    Every one likes to post thier beliefs but not one oz of facts to back thier possion pro or con.


      The oil sands have/will de-rail themselves with un-controlled expansion that drives up production costs, falling prices because of US increases in production and a failure to build the pipeline capacity necessary to move the product to market in a timely way. Canada imports 40% of its oil needs at world prices and Alberta heavy oil is currently discounted by 50% because they can't get their product to central and eastern Canada. I would say there is a lack of a marketing strategy or a national energy security plan. Enbridge just finished a line to move Bakken oil from North Dakota through Saskatchewan and Manitoba back into the US market. Does it make business sense to produce any product untill you have sufficient capacity to move it to market in a cost efficient way? Apparently in the oil industry they build production first and then lay the blame elsewhere. Mean while Alberta refuses to use sustainable ways of funding government because Albertans don't want to pay sales taxes. They are very dependent on resource revenue and have no heritage fund to offset the commodity lows. What a way to run a province.


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