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Stats Canada !

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    Stats Canada !

    Total stocks of principal field crops at December 31
    2010 2011 2012 11 to 12
    thousands of tonnes % change
    Total wheat 20 790 20 831 20 690 -0.7
    Wheat ex durum 17 016 16 836 16 860 0.1
    Durum wheat 3 775 3 995 3 830 -4.1
    Corn for grain 9 822 9 436 10 365 9.8
    Canola 9 874 9 646 7 371 -23.6
    Barley 5 963 5 481 5 088 -7.2
    Soybeans 2 514 2 573 2 401 -6.7
    Oats 2 330 2 333 1 872 -19.8
    Dry field peas 2 460 1 693 1 552 -8.3
    Lentils 1 421 1 448 1 231 -15.0
    Flaxseed 458 430 406 -5.6
    Rye 211 139 172 23.7

    Canola production unchanged, now lets divi up what's left. The government has now said it isn't making anymore, and farmers won't be making any till mid Aug or Sept.


      My point exactly.
      Lets look at some facts.

      Sask Crop insurance still hasn't done a harvest grain inspection for last fall. Hm how many fricking claims were their.
      We as a farm will be out of canola by MAY!
      1st time in probably 25 years.
      Neighbours all are sweeping their bins out.
      Rural Canola left in the bins is VERY VERY LOW!

      IT WAS A FRICKING SHITTY CROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      THe retarded Sister didn't live up to the hype!


        and the entire european crop is hanging on by its fingrnails, whats left of it.


          Statistics Canada is information at at a point in time. I am always interested in how people turn information into actions/decisions.

          So what does one do in today's market? Store? Buy calls? Keep new crop positions open/unpriced?


            Canola has jumped approximately $50/tonne in the last three weeks. I think it's time for me to reward such performance and sell another 25% of my 2012 production. Now if I can just find an elevator with a positive basis in this area >:-(

            <a href="http://beta.photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m441/npksetal/Bucket/canolie_zpsf272744f.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo canolie_zpsf272744f.jpg"/></a>


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