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The SB commercial that should have been

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    The SB commercial that should have been

    I stole this From another forum, and
    just had to repost it here;

    "To be read in the voice of Paul Harvey.

    And on the eighth day God looked down on
    his planned paradise and said, “I need
    someone who can flip this for a quick

    So God made a banker.

    God said, “I need someone who doesn’t
    grow anything or make anything but who
    will borrow money from the public at 0%
    interest and then lend it back to the
    public at 2% or 5% or 10% and pay
    himself a bonus for doing so.”

    So God made a banker.

    God said, “I need someone who will take
    money from the people who work and save,
    and use that money to create a dotcom
    bubble and a housing bubble and a stock
    bubble and an oil bubble and a
    commodities bubble and a bond bubble and
    another stock bubble, and then sell it
    to people in Poughkeepsie and Spokane
    and Bakersfield, and pay himself another

    So God made a banker.

    In this Super Bowl ad, Chrysler pays
    tribute to the American farmer.

    God said, “I need someone to build homes
    in the swamps and deserts using shoddy
    materials and other people’s money, and
    then use these homes as collateral for a
    Ponzi scheme he can sell to pensioners
    in California and Michigan and Sweden. I
    need someone who will then foreclose on
    those homes, kick out the occupants, and
    switch off the air conditioning and the
    plumbing, and watch the houses turn back
    into dirt. And then pay himself another

    God said, “I need someone to lend money
    to people with bad credit at 30%
    interest in order to get his stock price
    up, and then, just before the loans turn
    bad, cash out his stock and walk away.
    And who, when asked later, will, with a
    tearful eye, say the government made him
    do it.”

    God said, “And I need somebody who will
    tell everyone else to stand on their own
    two feet, but who will then run to the
    government for a bailout as soon as he
    gets into trouble — and who will then
    use that bailout money to help elect a
    Congress that will look the other way.
    And then pay himself another bonus.”

    So God made a banker."

    Goood day!


      Excuse me... God did not make humans to be; evil,
      selfish, or greedy. My Proof?

      Genesis 1:26 to 2:1

      Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our
      image, to be like us (1). They will reign over the fish in
      the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild
      animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry
      along the ground."

      So God created human beings in his own image. In the
      image of God he created them; male and female he
      created them.

      Then God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and
      multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the
      fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals
      that scurry along the ground."

      Then God said, "Look! I have given you every seed-
      bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit
      trees for your food.

      And I have given every green plant as food for all the
      wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small
      animals that scurry along the ground--everything that
      has life." And that is what happened.

      Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw
      that it was very good!...

      So the creation of the heavens and the earth and
      everything in them was completed.

      'us' (1) 'Father' [All Knowledge] 'Son' [creative
      innovator] 'Spirit' [the conscious dimension of choice
      and the realm from those choices]



        Oh Tom, did you forget to put on your
        sense of HaHa this morning? ;-)



          Does God have a belly button?


            Coleville, you dish it out but can't take it??? Poor is poor.


              Don't go there T4 won't be able to sleep pondering that one!!


                To those who missed the memo;

                Happy, Tom, etal, there was a Dodge commercial during the Super Bowl, that had the famous, "God made a farmer", Paul Harvey bit as narration. The bit I posted at the top of this thread is a parody of the commercial. As in Haha, mildly funny. I'm sorry if I offended any pious religious folk, it was not my intention.

                I'm NOT sorry if I offended any overly sensitive, self righteous, religious zealots. You are your own worst enemy.


                  Good one coleville. I liked it.

                  And btw all, it's your god given right to be an



                    It is... which is the point. We all have a choice... evil
                    actions are NOT caused by God... but a choice by




                      You ask if God has a belly button?

                      Absolutely, He has Billions of them!



                        A very good response.

                        You have a political chance yet.

                        Take care.


                          Good one Tom.


                            Deep thoughts by cottonpicken

                            I hope i die at the exact same time as Tom,that way if
                            we are standing in front of god trying to get into
                            heaven i'll just say i'm with him,if the god turns out to
                            be the elephant god genesh,i'll get a heck of a good
                            laugh out of the look on Toms face.Win win.


                              cottonpicken: An even better laugh would be a "thumbs-down" motion from your greeter.


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