Current canola cash prices at over $14/bu are already strong, but they would need to get better yet to convince Prairie producers to abandon plans to plant more wheat in 2013, according to a Manitoba-based market analyst, says a story from Syngenta Farm.
Wayne Palmer of Agri-Trend Marketing Inc. said canola prices would likely have to rise to about double that of wheat in order to force western Canadian farmers to re-think the expected switch out of canola and into wheat this spring.
“If you’re looking at $8.50 wheat, you’d almost have to think canola would have to be at $16 or $17.
Ok that's what the Experts are saying but I am asking farmers what they want to see happen to get them to seed more of the (Retarded Sister) Canola.
On our farm we have said since last harvest we are going to drop our canola acres by 25%.
So were getting back to less than 1/3 canola. 1/3 wheat and 1/3 Oats and peas and Soybeans.
So for me to drop wheat acreage or OATS AND PEAS. Canola would have to get to a fall price of 17.00
Sorry boys not spending a fortune for ps all return again in 2013.
Canola costs have gotten out of hand and reality needs to come to the suppliers.
Wayne Palmer of Agri-Trend Marketing Inc. said canola prices would likely have to rise to about double that of wheat in order to force western Canadian farmers to re-think the expected switch out of canola and into wheat this spring.
“If you’re looking at $8.50 wheat, you’d almost have to think canola would have to be at $16 or $17.
Ok that's what the Experts are saying but I am asking farmers what they want to see happen to get them to seed more of the (Retarded Sister) Canola.
On our farm we have said since last harvest we are going to drop our canola acres by 25%.
So were getting back to less than 1/3 canola. 1/3 wheat and 1/3 Oats and peas and Soybeans.
So for me to drop wheat acreage or OATS AND PEAS. Canola would have to get to a fall price of 17.00
Sorry boys not spending a fortune for ps all return again in 2013.
Canola costs have gotten out of hand and reality needs to come to the suppliers.