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AT what price does Canola have to get to, for you to plant more Canola!

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    AT what price does Canola have to get to, for you to plant more Canola!

    Current canola cash prices at over $14/bu are already strong, but they would need to get better yet to convince Prairie producers to abandon plans to plant more wheat in 2013, according to a Manitoba-based market analyst, says a story from Syngenta Farm.

    Wayne Palmer of Agri-Trend Marketing Inc. said canola prices would likely have to rise to about double that of wheat in order to force western Canadian farmers to re-think the expected switch out of canola and into wheat this spring.

    “If you’re looking at $8.50 wheat, you’d almost have to think canola would have to be at $16 or $17.

    Ok that's what the Experts are saying but I am asking farmers what they want to see happen to get them to seed more of the (Retarded Sister) Canola.

    On our farm we have said since last harvest we are going to drop our canola acres by 25%.
    So were getting back to less than 1/3 canola. 1/3 wheat and 1/3 Oats and peas and Soybeans.

    So for me to drop wheat acreage or OATS AND PEAS. Canola would have to get to a fall price of 17.00
    Sorry boys not spending a fortune for ps all return again in 2013.
    Canola costs have gotten out of hand and reality needs to come to the suppliers.

    We just let 20% go, $14.15, canola was below $13 just a short while ago. We will leave the rest for now. Regardless of our emotions there is a big soya crop comming from S/A, it will put pressure on sooner or later. All it will take is for china to cancel a cargo or two from the U.S. and go for "cheaper" beans south.
    Canola acres are staying about par in this area. Peas down , wht up.


      Totally agree on the input side. Seed costs are out of control. Charging obsence costs for varieties that wont stand, but guranteed to make u rich.(L150). Fert to me is not big issue, still have to feed cereals, but having said that, prices are a little cheaper than a yr ago. There have become to many variables in growing canola, should i spray for disease or not, especially when u cant see it. Atleast cereals u can see what you are spraying for. Canola has gotten as risky as growing chickpeas, a crop i did grow and said never again. LOL.Personally im not growing any canola this yr. I can grow no.1 durum with high protein. Im afraid of all the big talk of big acres of wht going IN, especially if states get alot of rain this spring on their red winter wht. Tough decisions this spring trying to find the "money maker".


        Furrow your area sounds like ours. No one is jumping in and saying they will grow more canola. Their getting their rotations back to normal. Now the Big Idiot farms might do Canola canola canola canola rotation again. Sooner or later it hits the fan, oh yea last year and the year before.
        BIGZ I also agree with you fert has to go down either way. IT is holding and some lower than a last year by quite a bit.
        Suppliers love Canola its like printing money.


          bigzee, wheat and pea seed isn't that
          different from canola seed costs. Unless
          of course you have serious delusions and
          you feel you just have to have that
          overpriced bayer seed to get the same


            maybe if we can check our ego's and watch what (and why) we pay for rent, and resist the fancy new paint of new equipment every year...... even $12 is a good price

            Follow a proper rotation to reduce diseases (and don't blame it on the variety)


              where is the wheat price heading?
              maybe the question is;

              At what price does Wheat have to get to,
              for you to plant more canola?


                To get $17/bu new crop canola, you would
                have to have November futures close to
                $750/tonne. What would soybean oil
                futures have to be to support this

                Lots of debate around acres in many
                forums/areas. We'll have the answer in
                5 months and then the debate will be
                yields. As said in the past, I will be
                most concerned about which side of 15
                MMT production is. The number is
                canola's customer base.


                  Dog patch why is 12 a good price for a over priced crop to grow.
                  The suppliers love to give it to farmers and were allowed to gouge us.
                  That's coming form a guy who has grown the crop since the early 70s.
                  WD my HRS and Pea cost are way below what canola costs to grow. We own a seed plant.
                  Proper variety selection and changing seed stock every few years vs Being told you have to pay this much for your seed from the Canola seed companies.
                  Gun to your head or no gun.
                  Real simple.


                    Charlie Alberta will grow canola same as this year.
                    SAsk will less and Manitoba will grow even less.
                    Soy is going to be king in Manitoba.
                    So yes which side of 15 is important
                    Errol yes wheat below 7 and guys will look at other crops.


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