Don't get to excited about Eric . He is an old man
who no longer makes his income from farming but
the little brown envelope that comes every month.
He will be the one to shut off the lights on the CWB
issue even after the crazy eight have totally quit
living in the past.
People like this are locked in the past and have no
idea what you people face in today's farming world.
The belief that we raise 6 kids on a half section and
milk 6 cows and feed 6 pigs etc,etc. That world no
longer exists but that is the world the CWB
philosophy served. To them marketing is a dirty
dirty word. Before the likes of Burbot shits all over
me i would just like to say thats just the way the
world is now. Either deal with it by facing it head on
or move to the sidelines where you belong. It has
been said that the only sure thing is that things are
always changing
who no longer makes his income from farming but
the little brown envelope that comes every month.
He will be the one to shut off the lights on the CWB
issue even after the crazy eight have totally quit
living in the past.
People like this are locked in the past and have no
idea what you people face in today's farming world.
The belief that we raise 6 kids on a half section and
milk 6 cows and feed 6 pigs etc,etc. That world no
longer exists but that is the world the CWB
philosophy served. To them marketing is a dirty
dirty word. Before the likes of Burbot shits all over
me i would just like to say thats just the way the
world is now. Either deal with it by facing it head on
or move to the sidelines where you belong. It has
been said that the only sure thing is that things are
always changing