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Screw Marketing

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    Screw Marketing

    Where you guys been so far this winter? Where are you yet to go? How did you like it? We are flying out of Regina this year for the first time instead of Wpg going to the Mayan again. Any of you buggers going to be on that plane on the 27th? Would be nice to have a plane full of farmers instead of Wpg city slickers!!

    Sorry not off to Mexico this year. Trying
    something new, heading this week for the
    Cayman Islands, will be chilling at Rum point till
    Family arriving for spring break then nice week
    Work hard play harder, cheers! Good for you to
    get away.


      Some of us work in the winter. ;P lol


        House renovations, curling, snowmobile and moving frickin' snow nearly every day.
        Oh ya,hauling priced grain.


          Just came from two weeks in Cuba. Great time.
          Great weather safe hassle free country. No time
          share no hard sell buy my stuff and you actually can
          believe you are in another country. Mexico started
          to sound like a real USA experience a couple of
          years ago. If i want american Atmosphere food and
          drink then i will go to Hawaii. Also not super
          concerned about safety but some are. In Mexico
          you find what you look for but some look in all the
          wrong places!!
          Off to Cuba again this Monday escorting some
          older people who for lack of travel experience and
          age feel they need some help. Trying at times but
          an interesting experience and no i don't make a
          living at this just have the time to do it.


            I went out to the first Wabasca north of Red Earth
            90 times now. The ice road is....well very Ivey but
            the guys on the log loaders are very friendly.


              AllisWD45, have to been going to Varadero, or are you trying other places in Cuba. If so, how do the other locations compare?

              Has anyone else tried locations in Cuba other than Varadero?


                due to the hail storm of the history of my farm, what grain left was gone by Christmas.
                Took in a two week farm tour of Brazil, visited some major farms in Motto Grosso state. Amazed by the magnitude of them, and left shaking my head why there was no rail infrastructure. They haul 1,500 km to port, then haul all the fert an other materials back.
                1/3 of the price they get goes to transportation. Yet on the WTF side, they pay the same price for urea and potash at the farm as I do here. hmmmmm


                  Jeff, was your trip with a tour company? Bus tour/air? Would you mention the name, and how satisfied you were with the tour?
                  I've been interested in doing a farm tour in SA for awhile now, and sure would appreciate any of your comments.


                    Boarder, we flew into Santa Clara in cuba, the a
                    hour and a half bus ride to the north cost, Cayo
                    enchinatos is the area. It was fantastic.


                      fjlip Sounds like you are living the same life as me, but we did sneak away for a week in January to Playa.


                        Saskframer3 is probably the most
                        intresting person on the planet.
                        Working hard, playing harder, each and
                        everyday. Complaining louder, whinning
                        louder than all the other Comedian
                        framers put tagether. Buyin and selling
                        more shit, that there is on the planet.
                        Marketeering, growing, producing,
                        knowing, snowing everybody all the time.
                        HE/SHE is either a total fabrication of
                        his imagination er a phscyo to be very,
                        very aware of. Beware sex trade workers
                        there is a serial in our midst, travel
                        only in two. Comedian framers you
                        better run and fn hide, if this guy/girl
                        steps on the to road yer walkin on,
                        he'll blow you, the best you've ever
                        been blown and be thrilled doin it!!!!!!


                          Saskfarmer3 is Jetting off To The Caymans, F#ck a Money Counter, He Weigh The Duffle Bags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                            20 people at 9500-
                            Burpfart your a idiot lowlife,


                              Dos Equis is the most interesting man in the world.

                              Pretty funny



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