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Sask wheat and barley comment period

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    MORE CHECKOFFS, WTF. Soon the whole
    grain cheque'll be checked off. Wheat
    and barley research'll be like NASA,
    developing grain ta be grown on the moon
    and mars. What next, a toenail cutting
    checkoff? Course its all refundable,
    ifn yas got time ta fill out forms, find
    envolopes and stamps licem and stickem,
    then mail the stuff to the various urban
    addresses. Oh and don't ferget theres
    an expiry date fer checkoffs too.
    Then when the money isn't returned ya
    gotta phone the fr's and find out what's
    goin on. Butt you'll get invited to the
    anal general meetings each year in
    Banaff, ya Banaff where lots and lotsa
    grain is been grown, ta rub elbows wit
    the rich and famous!!!!


      Oneoff makes a good point gustgd.

      No ones really listening are they? It's
      a comment period to cover off the
      section 'we listened to farmers'.
      Everything is decided already.

      Why there isn't simply a cereals
      commission defies pretty much all logic.
      Unless of course farmers want winter
      jobs, go to meetings, and chat. Then it
      makes perfect sense.


        I believe the vast majority of farmers are willing to contribute to the betterment of thier industry. Most farmers these days are positive, forward looking, innovative business people who realize that with governments withdrawing from public plant breeding etc someone has to pick up the slack.
        Glad we have guys like Gustg to take time away from thier farms to look after our interests. The researchers need farmer input.


          bluefargo are you gerid's brother or sister???


            bluefargo as mentioned several times
            above, do we need about a hundred of
            them, or would about a dozen suffice for
            western canada?


              i'll go along and with the comments above.
              plus am I the only one that finds it odd that the people organizing and promoting the wheat and barley commissions are for the most part the same people that spent a considerable amount of time and money getting rid of the cwb monopoly..
              from what I understand they are very comfortable going with a front end load with their check off, deduct on delivery then have the farmer apply to get his monies back. mandatory at its finest, just like the old cwb. why why why should I have to apply to get my money back, why not ask if I wish to contribute when my cheque is issued.. hummm.. now that would be simple.


                Will note there are currently separate canola and
                pulse commissions for each province. Do you feel
                these crops would be better served by a prairie
                commission/board? Would a prairie commission
                either by crop or cereals meet the research and
                marketing needs of individuals in each province or
                would local needs be more diluted in a bigger

                Going to other end of the world, there is also a
                proposal out there for a Barley Development Council
                with objectives similar to the Canola Council and
                Pulse Canada.


                  Question back to you charlie, name one
                  useful research project in canola, peas,
                  wheat, barley that is unique to a single
                  province? Or a market development
                  project? Answer that, and i think you
                  have your answer.


                    Charlie... you need to be seen for what you are .... an industry apologist and trusted spokesperson. You remain careful to ask only questions that give hints of what the appropriate response should be.

                    Would it hurt you to question why we need yet more duplication of what already should be adequately covered; layer after layer.

                    You do a diservice by always carefully diverting the rare consensus that appears to be forming amongst farmers. How about letting the grass roots try something for themselves for once.

                    I kind of hate the thought of like minded officials and particularly advisors gathering in some room and rubber stamping whaat they feel is best for the industry.
                    How about suggesting a checkoff that would apply to the industry; and not along the lines of a free will donation; that doubles as advertising.


                      Lately I've noticed a lot of references to charlie in the other posts.

                      I've never made a connection to charliep before; but is this what is to whom Tom et al are referring?


                        Perhaps the answer to your questions is
                        the enabling legislation for commissions
                        is provincial and not federal. Yes
                        western grain research foundation is
                        federally driven but a very specific
                        purpose around plant breeding and maybe
                        some agronomics.

                        Will openly admit I am not avfarmer so
                        the discussion is yours (your money).
                        Also live in a province that made this
                        decision a long time ago in the case
                        barley and within the last 6 months in
                        the case of wheat. Wheat and Barley
                        commissions are likely to be located in
                        the same building here so who knows
                        knows the future here. Also a point of
                        discussion at the regional commission
                        meetings I attended.


                          Minister ritz might fund in a small way, provincial,
                          special interest groups.

                          If money is to be leveraged in significant
                          amounts it must be in the national interest, a
                          national minister, other wise it is provincial
                          responsibility, and that is a huge challenge in it
                          self. For example all wheat growers in Canada,
                          with collective interests and goals, what about the
                          other provinces, Ontario, Quebec? This is why
                          Pulse Canada, and Canola works.


                            Just curious how many of you who are
                            Saskatchewan residents will take the
                            time to participate in the formal
                            process. If you have want something
                            different, you need to participate.


                              They were talking about the wheat and barley commission on the radio.

                              They will take submissions but they don't want to hear from guys that say there is no need for the commissions.

                              So most of the suggestions on this thread would be ignored anyway.

                              The duplication of another group, the mandatory checkoff are two reasons enough not to have the wheat commission.

                              Why not make it a voluntary checkoff.


                                Charlie I don't think I will take the time to formally participate in the process, but I have some definate views on the subject. I notice with the pulse levies at certain times worse then others there seems to be some controversy over their disbursements to various projects and even distrust of the motives of the people in charge of making these desisions. Almost seeming at times that personal goals are put ahead of the good of the industry. But then again just the views of one grumpy and rather cynical producer.


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