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S. Korneychuck strikes back! Take that Minister Ritz!!!

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    S. Korneychuck strikes back! Take that Minister Ritz!!!

    Letter to the Editor: Susan Korneychuk — Feb. 12,
    Published on February 13, 2013
    Letters to the Editor (The Prince Albert Daily Herald)

    topics : Supreme Court , Conservatives , Emerald
    Park , Sask.

    It is a clear blow to farmers and Canadian democracy
    that the Supreme Court decided not to hear the
    farmers’ appeal on whether the Conservative
    government had followed the law in abolishing the
    farmers’ single desk marketing system.
    The Supreme Court usually hears cases that are of
    national importance. But look at the amazing number
    of farmer-related issues the Supreme Court apparently
    thought were not important.
    • The farmers’ right to vote -- enshrined in law was
    taken away.
    • More than $200 million in assets which farmers paid
    for were confiscated by the Conservatives without
    • The minister defied a court decision but then
    hypocritically appealed that decision at the same time.
    • The question of whether or not the minister of the
    day in fact had to follow the CWB Act.
    And finally what about the integrity of a minister who
    promised a vote by farmers before any move would be
    made on the single desk while he was campaigning
    and then changed his mind after the federal election?
    Apparently none of these things are of national
    significance. I would wonder what would happen if the
    Conservative government confiscated $200M of
    Canadian’s RRSPs? Would that be of national
    importance and deserve a Supreme Court hearing?

    Susan Korneychuk
    Emerald Park, Sask.


    I wish people like this would quit talking like they represent all farmer's thoughts about the CWB. Its gone and good riddance. I can actually start growing wheat again!


      I thought this horse already died? This is why our final payments are 1/2 of what we were told in Dec...


        Kyle's pupeteer speeks out !



          It does send a bad message to the general working public. They read that and think that the majority of farmers have been victimized. It is quite the opposite. Farmers in western Canada have been liberated from political oppression. They are free to choose how they sell their wheat.
          I can finally grow wheat again as well. I have chosen to already lock in a profitable new crop price contract for feed wheat on 25% of wheat acres.


            Minister Ritz and PM Harper are AGAIN to be
            commended on CWB leadership.

            Sadly the likes of 'Korneychuck' do not care about the
            basic fundamentals of a democratic nation.

            We do NOT have votes to take away the private
            property of one segment of our people... to benefit
            another... especially when those having their property
            expropriated are the minority.

            We can NOT allow one Parliament to bind a future
            Parliament... through simple legislative Acts.
            Constitutional Amendments have strict targets that
            must be met... or they do NOT become Law.

            The rule of Law... is what makes Canada a special
            nation. Fair judgements. Respect for each other... and
            freedom for all to make economic choices they are
            responsible for.

            Minister Ritz and PM Harper respected all of these
            principals. They did not break any Canadian Laws...
            and took great criticism and persecution to uphold the
            rule of law and democracy in Canada.

            Thanks Honourable Minister Ritz... and the Right
            Honourable Stephen Harper! Too many other MP's and
            citizens to mention... that had a hand in this triumph
            of the rule of law. You all make me exceptionally
            proud to be a Canadian!


            "Take that Minister Ritz!!!" Thanks x 1000!


              I willingly give up my portion of the assets
              discussed to gain my freedom.
              CWB is gone.........time to move on!


                if the majority of producers agreed with your bullshit Harper and Ritz would have let a vote happen


                  s korneychuck prince albert herald.. she can't get her trash published closer to home, as in regina.
                  as were referring to korneychuck has anyone seen him in the public in the last few months or so. no I thought not. but when he was parading around with an cwb/farmer expense account the fool was every where.. so, as long a someone is paying is way he'll tell us what's good for us. o.. now I understand.


                    The only bullshit was the premiums and market power.



                      So, we need to have a vote on Agriville to have you pay
                      all people who vote against your ideas on the CWB
                      $1000CDN each.

                      Is this fair in a free and democratic nation?

                      I THINK NOT.

                      Yet this is exactly what you expected with a CWB vote.
                      The 80 percent of growers... who grew 20 percent of
                      the wheat... wanted me to pool with them and top up
                      their payments.

                      Why exactly did I owe you ANYTHING Stubblejumper?

                      You demanded this, against freewill... family choices...
                      because you thought you could get something for

                      Guess What Stub... You only got more... if it cost us
                      and we received less... against our better judgement...
                      on the back of a deception... that you claimed we were
                      all going to get 'more'.

                      Which we knew was false. World prices and US prices
                      did not get higher because of the CWB 'single desk'.
                      This year should easily prove this hands down.

                      Those who wanted and needed to sell wheat did. They
                      got paid.
                      The wheat is gone.
                      Our end use customers are happy.

                      Did I miss anything Stub? DID you actually get less for
                      your wheat?



                        Why does this broken record keep playing over and over? CWB supporters keep allowing the CWB to keep marketing your grain...no one is stopping you. But f*#$ off with trying to tell the rest of us who want to market our OWN GRAIN your cry baby stories about how you were wronged by Harper and Ritz, it is getting so sickening already.


                          I don't get the arguement about stolen farmer's assets as all assets should still be there to be used. The assets are not stolen and put in Harper's back yard. Contingency fund maybe could have an argument but it would not get distributed fairly anyway so why not use it for future use where is what it was for in the first place.


                            The railcars still had debt booked against them. So if they sold them to the new cwb, before farmers get paid anything the outstanding debt has to be paid.

                            I was in the camp that thought there should be a payout for assets. But after it was explained the debt had to be paid, it was understandable.

                            Then I was angry that the cwb deducted all that money and never paid the railcar debt off.

                            Either way there should be a public accounting for the assets. Or at least to farmers there should be an explanation of how the assets are transferred. A foot note in the new cwb's annual report won't cut it.


                              Once the class action lawsuit is settled
                              and wes all git our share of the 17
                              billion that wes owed. The whinning and
                              snivelling'll stop, thats fer sure, eh.
                              Heil Harper


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