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Plans for the Future

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    Plans for the Future

    In a two hour time period; it is claimed "We'd like to discuss the future plans for your community though a number of planning themes such as "Land Use Potential,Recreational Amenities, Social development(Health Safety/Education), Transportation, Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Ecological Sensitivities, Community Economomic Development and Tourism and Inter-Municipal Relationships"

    In the next three week period are the stakeholders expected to bring themselves up to speed on our present positions?

    One would think that the coordinators of a $60,000 project would be aware of the dearth of previous ratepayers meetings and opportunities to make ratepayers aware of decisions in the past which remain with us today and into the future. They might be aware of the general apathy in desire to become involved; the many new residents who understandably have an even poorer grasp of the historical record; the sad truth of a lack of general knowledge of lack of bylaws and policy decisions presently in place; and no specific background information available to the masses on any of the topics to be discussed within a part of a whopping < 2 hr. time period.

    In the next 25 year period; a group who can not eat or take drink in the presence of anyone who is not a member of their church may well provide the majority assessment and population base in that town. Similarly a single non-Canadian entity already has been given almost complete control of a townsite on the 49th parallel. Within the last year a deliberate and successful attempt was made to "Ban all electronic devices within the council chambers.......". Adjacent Council members are on a roll to bring their remuneration up to levels they deem they are worth...and to create "job openings" that they are filling. Each and every decision in both jurisdictions is subject to a "case by case decision" And on and on.

    And now we are to believe that "We value and need your guidance and feedback...."

    Sorry but bringing a sizeable town and a whole RM together for the equivalent of a structured two hours in a lifetime isn't sufficient enough time.

    I call bull shit and demand that with the precedence detailed by "Burb"; that oneoff (and any "aliases") be banned for three lifetimes from this website. I welcome the punishment; and end with an insincere CHEERS

    OK I'll bite. What the hell are you talking about?


      I'd promised myself otherwise but you're grownups so

      Contact Danny Roy with Prairie Wild Consulting by phone, (306) 371-7719 or by email, samantha.mark@prairiewildconsulting.ca

      Its all about District Plans (DP) and its coming to your town and your RM if you live in Sask. And similar schemes for anyone looking for handouts probably anywhere else.

      Everbody in the area presumably got the same full color handout;; and it comes as no suprise that no one has mentioned this supposedly long range and "very important" plan.

      Now please leave me to enjoy my well deserved punishment.


        Been there done that with an RM village. Positive
        proactive experience. Prairie Wild was excellent
        and very experienced at this task.
        People who wanted to contribute did. The majority
        of taxpayers were too apathetic to bother and
        could care less. They never even showed up.
        It's an excellent way to provide your insight for the
        future if I recall correctly it is a series of about 2 or
        3 meetings for the public.
        You will appreciate this.


          Gobermont wants ta see a vast empty
          Western provinces in Comedia. 3, count
          them 3 land barons framing all acres.
          Sos, whinning and sniveling is down to
          Urban landscapes swollen with old
          framers and their families, collecting
          welfare and fleeing South each Winter.
          Gag population a thing of the past,
          hence no worry aboot the rural vote,
          after all theys only 3 votes left out
          there. Fed Gag Minister Ritz on
          constant trade missions (holidays) ta
          foreign destinations, enjoying the
          fruits of his labour. Pretty good fer
          and old failed ostrich framer eh!


            I misread your original post. What is happening in your area is after the fact. We worked on our community plan before industry set in. Ironically, the Prairie Wild representative used your situation as an example why we "should" make the plans.
            In our case, the council approached the community to plan zoning, land use etc. The concept was we do it before indsutry buys in and does whatever they want. ie. a hog barn on main street next to the cafe. Almost a nonsense situation, but, if the land was bought and sold free and clear,with full disclosure and there is no local zoning bylaws etc. there is less chance of stopping it.
            You had better attend those public input meetings, you may still have half a chance to input details of the community.


              THANKS HOBBY... MY POINT EXACTLY. What I've said are basically quotes of exact circumstances. Those who are involved; do follow this forum; they aren't pleased and they have not responded for themselves. Well I guess coffee shop stories and distortions would count.

              If there was any intent of council to listen; and the purpose was to get away from not having to handle everything as a suprise; and thus on a case by case basis; then this could be money well spent.

              But the RM airport property was just annexed from the RM. The town held a meeting, but not the RM. Heck the RM representative didn't get there until after the very little discussion was completed. Very very poor turnout.

              And with the rail transload facility to be started by spring and probably fully operational by fall; you'd think there would be some public hearings. Not a peep yet; nor will there be; if it can be avoided.

              And yet some insignificant water management project would be pressed for environmental reviews; open houses and even the suggestion of an international inquiry. Road construction (done even for free) is looked at as another liability and just because you have the equipment; you are reminded that you will not be allowed to use it. Yet the RM claims it can't/won't do work within their jurisdiction; and neither will they allow an individual to do it at next to no cost............

              No fellows IT IS BAD; and I'm fed up and now inclined to feed out all the rope available; because there is no doubt it will be taken up. Nothing else works; and it yes there were numerous reasonable attempts to work with the officials.

              Gone for good this time. Only will work with like minded persons from now on.


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