Much Nexera 715 canola was grown in the Central Peace region of Alberta in 2002. The canola was seeded with the expectation that a $2.00 per bushel premium would be avaiable on all of the Nexera 715 canola that was produced provided that the oil profile met the specifications in oleic acid content.
This year much of the Nexera 715 canola may be grading as #2 and #3. Assuming that all of the Nexera 715 meets teh speciied oil profile, questions arising are:
1. Is there a market for the #3 canola that includes the $2.00 per bushel premium?
2. What is a resonable price discount for #3 canola versus #2 and #1 canola?
3. Assuming that Nexera 715 #2 canola is definately acceptable, what is the price discount versus #1 canola?
This year much of the Nexera 715 canola may be grading as #2 and #3. Assuming that all of the Nexera 715 meets teh speciied oil profile, questions arising are:
1. Is there a market for the #3 canola that includes the $2.00 per bushel premium?
2. What is a resonable price discount for #3 canola versus #2 and #1 canola?
3. Assuming that Nexera 715 #2 canola is definately acceptable, what is the price discount versus #1 canola?