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A sticky situation...

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    A sticky situation...

    IDNUMBER 201302160043
    DOCID: 161535361
    PUBLICATION: National Post
    PAGE: A6
    DATE: 2013.02.16
    SECTION: Canada
    EDITION: National
    BYLINE: Graeme Hamilton
    SOURCE: National Post
    ILLUSTRATION: S.K. Export / Étienne St-Pierre, left, and
    Julienne Boss-Desrosiers, right, operate S.K. Exports in
    New Brunswick.; Wayne Cuddington, Postmedia News /
    Quebec is seeing its share of world syrup production
    decrease, slipping to 76% of global production in 2012
    from above 80% 10 years earlier. American producers
    undercut their prices.;
    COLUMN: Graeme Hamilton
    WORD COUNT: 1606

    Maple syrup cartel; Quebec's syrup monopoly helped
    spawn smuggling, Prohibition style

    During the spring and summer of 2012, a procession
    of syrup-filled trucks from Quebec arrived at Maple
    Grove Farms in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. There was
    nothing seemingly unusual about that, considering
    that Maple Grove is the largest packer of pure maple
    syrup in the United States, selling to retail giants such
    as Wal-Mart and Safeway - and considering that nearly
    80% of the world's maple syrup supply comes from

    But on July 30, when the Federation of Quebec Maple
    Syrup Producers stumbled upon a massive theft from
    its warehouse in Saint-Louis-de-Blandford, Que., the
    deliveries took on a new significance. In newly released
    documents filed before a Quebec administrative
    tribunal, the federation alleges that hundreds of
    thousands of pounds of the Maple Grove syrup - the
    equivalent of 12 tractor-trailers full - was illicit and
    possibly stolen.

    The man who sold the syrup, Richard Vallières, was
    arrested in December and charged with conspiracy,
    theft, receiving stolen goods and fraud in connection
    with the Saint-Louis-de-Blandford heist. He has been
    described as the alleged ringleader of a theft that
    made headlines around the world, making off with six
    million pounds of syrup worth an estimated
    $18million. His father, Raymond, who is also involved
    in the syrup industry, has been charged, as has Sté-
    phane Darveau, who sells syrup-making equipment.

    News that millions of dollars worth of maple syrup had
    been stolen from a Quebec warehouse prompted
    amazement and the odd wisecrack. How could the
    thieves have escaped detection as they drained six
    million pounds of syrup from Quebec's "global
    strategic maple syrup reserve"? How does anyone even
    unload that much black-market syrup? And, Quebec
    actually has a global strategic syrup reserve? The
    provincial police threw everything at the investigation,
    interviewing nearly 300 people connected to the
    industry and executing search warrants in New
    Brunswick, Ontario and the northern United States. In
    mid-December, they announced a series of arrests,
    including that of Mr. Vallières, and posted wanted
    notices for seven other suspects. Today, 23 people
    have been charged and are facing trial in Trois-
    Rivières; another suspect is still being sought.

    Beyond the jokes about sticky-fingered thieves, the
    crime has exposed a simmering war in the woods over
    syrup production and sales. And it has shed light on
    an unexpected accomplice in the growing illicit syrup
    trade: The province's enforcement of a syrup cartel
    that has, since it was instituted a decade ago, helped
    spawn Prohibition-style smuggling and illegal sales.

    Since the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers
    tightened its supply-management system, introducing
    quotas and a single sales agency in 2002, a thriving
    black market has developed. The theft from the
    strategic reserve was certainly the most brazen assault
    on the federation's strict control of the industry, but it
    was far from the first one.

    Supply management was implemented in the name of
    ensuring producers were getting a "fair" price for their
    product, and over the past decade prices for the now-
    controlled product have predictably and steadily
    climbed. Producers who exceed their quotas must
    transfer the excess into the strategic reserve, which is
    intended to cushion the effect of a bad season.

    But for many, the federation's zealous oversight goes
    too far. Cases before the Régie des mar-chés agricoles
    et alimentaires, the administrative tribunal that
    enforces the law governing the maple-syrup industry,
    give an indication of tactics used by the federation to
    enforce its cartel. Inspectors use aliases to stage
    phoney illegal syrup deals to ensnare bootleggers, just
    like undercover police conducting drug stings. And the
    Régie can order producers to provide utility bills and
    bank statements if they are suspected of selling their
    syrup outside the approved market.

    Mr. Vallières has a history of run-ins with the
    federation, and in 2007 he was fined $1.8-million
    after the Régie determined he had bypassed the
    official sales agency to purchase 1.5 million pounds of
    syrup. He had tried to get around the rules by buying
    the syrup in four-litre containers, which producers are
    allowed to sell directly to consumers, and then
    transferring the product to barrels for wholesale

    Hans Mercier practises law in Saint-Georges in the
    heart of Quebec's Beauce region, an area known for its
    plentiful maple sugar stands. It is also a region "where
    free enterprise is practically a way of life," Mr. Mercier
    noted, "and this kind of over-regulated industry does
    not fit well." He devotes a large part of his practice to
    defending maple-syrup producers against the
    federation, and currently has about 20 producers as

    "Because it is a system that is hyper-regulated, hyper-
    controlled, with no competition, the authorities can do
    more or less what they want," Mr. Mercier said in an
    interview. "Often they don't use kid gloves, which really
    irritates the producers. They feel more like they're
    dealing with a police force than a union representing

    He said the federation is the Quebec equivalent of
    OPEC, dealing in syrup instead of oil. "It is a legal
    cartel that was put in place. It's a marketing board, but
    it has become much more. With the sales agency they
    are, at the same time, the producers, the sellers, the
    buyers. It's a total control of the market, from A to Z."

    A federation spokesman did not respond to requests
    for an interview for this article, but the organization's
    website provides the rationale for its "collective
    marketing" system. "The measures that were
    implemented have ensured that the highest number of
    companies remain in business, that profits are
    maximized and that the industry minimized its need
    for government assistance," it says. The previous
    "free-market structure" had driven down revenue for
    producers, forced some out of business and
    "undermined the vitality of rural municipalities of

    Benoit Girouard, president of the Union paysanne, a
    farmers' union created to challenge the province's
    main agricultural union, said Quebec's attempt to
    tightly control syrup sales is backfiring. American
    producers can undercut Quebec's prices, which are set
    artificially, instead of by market forces, and include the
    cost of the extra regulatory bureaucracy. The province
    is seeing its share of world syrup production slowly
    decrease, slipping to 76% of global production in 2012
    from above 80% 10 years earlier.

    Mr. Girouard said New York State is rapidly expanding
    production and could threaten Quebec's dominance of
    the market. "Businessmen can see an opportunity, and
    they have realized that in Quebec, maple syrup is
    going to stagnate because of the system that has been
    implemented," he said. "For supply management to
    work, there have to be closed borders," he said, but
    with syrup, it's a free market everywhere but in
    Quebec. A 2012 study by the Régie des marchés
    agricoles et alimentaires noted that American
    competition "is an important preoccupation for the
    Quebec maple industry."

    Mr. Girouard likened the syrup restrictions in Quebec
    to Prohibition, and said it was to be expected that a
    black market would emerge. Mr. Mercier agreed. "The
    more coercive a system is, the more restrictive it is,
    the more harshly people are suppressed, the more you
    are going to stimulate resistance or, quote-unquote,
    illegality," he said. "I think that is what has happened."

    If anyone fits the profile of someone pushed to the
    limit by the federation, it is Étienne St-Pierre, the
    owner of S.K. Export Inc. in Kedgwick, N.B. He has
    repeatedly bought syrup from Quebec without going
    through the federation, arguing that its rules do not
    apply to his operation across the provincial border.

    One of his suppliers is Mr. Val-lières, and last
    September the Sûreté du Québec arrived at S.K. Export
    with a warrant. They cleared out Mr. St-Pierre's syrup
    stocks for forensic analysis and seized his equipment;
    the company put the total value of material hauled
    away at more than $1-millon. In December, he was the
    lone buyer charged when the police announced their
    arrests. Mr. St-Pierre said he has been advised by his
    lawyer not to speak to the media, but he allowed
    himself one dig at Quebec's claim that it has
    jurisdiction over his dealings in New Brunswick. "They
    don't have control everywhere in the world," he said.
    "That is what they would like." The general manager of
    S.K. Export, Julienne Bossé was more outspoken,
    referring to the syrup regulators as a mafia.

    "The complete monopoly is not normal. It has a good
    side, but they abuse their powers," she said. "We're not
    in Russia. It's practically like a dictatorship."

    She said the 2012 syrup purchase from Mr. Vallières
    was no different than in previous years. "He did not
    sell us more syrup this year than any other year," she
    said. "He did not arrive with a surplus. If he had, we
    might have been suspicious." She accused the
    federation of using the theft as a pretext to send in the
    Sûreté du Québec and seize their syrup. "The
    federation has been harassing us for years and years,"
    she said.

    In Vermont, Maple Grove issued a statement last week
    denying any knowledge that it had purchased stolen
    syrup. It bought the syrup "in good faith with no
    reason to believe that it was coming from Quebec or
    that it may have been stolen," the company said.

    But the federation is not buying that, and it is playing
    hardball, seeking to have the company struck from the
    list of approved buyers. Maple Grove should have
    known "Richard Vallières is notorious in the milieu as
    an illegal buyer of maple syrup," the federation states
    in its request to the Régie, adding that the price
    charged Maple Grove was "well below" the minimum
    set by the provincial sales agency. "Such an incident
    constitutes a major breach of trust."

    ghamilton@nationalpost.com @grayhamilton

    So what would be your solution Tom? Wreck the marketing agency like you guys did with the CWB in order to get FREEDOM to market at any price the buyer offered?


      its turning out good for me.


        i just looked up there web, the cwb is
        still around for the farmers for less.


          Wilagro, you "ruined" the CWB. And that's
          what probably pisses you off the most.


            talked to a couple of poeple who told the
            wheat board to change with the times ,they
            just laughed.its not ritz and harpers
            fault.they did what a good businessman
            with any balls would do.


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