You would think tilling would be a forbidden part of organics?
1. Use of fossil fuels
2. polution.
3. Destroying of the life going on under the surface that supposedly
What i've learned from article searches is that the leaching of
nitrogen is higher per bushel in an non nutrient added method then one
with added fertilizers.
Parsely, a common theme in an organic discussion is the anger
reciprocated from questions being asked that move out of the holistic
and into actual scientific questions. I ask the questions cuz i have
read this stuff, and have questions, not to attack your way of doing
things. Hope this is clear. Stuff doesn't add up from what is said to
what is written in almost all the science journals i have read.
For example straight out of the Swedish Crop Production Manual -
Ambitions and Limitations:
Abstract This chapter examines the practice of applying nutrients in
organic or slowly soluble
inorganic form in the belief that plants will obtain balanced nutrition
through the actions of soil
microbes. The organic principle of only fertilising the soil and not
directly feeding the crop with water-soluble nutrients has no support
in science. The release of organically bound nutrients in soil through
biological activity is not necessarily synchronised with crop demands
and occurs even at times when
there is no crop growth. Changes in the soil biological community do
not overcome this limitation.
Despite the ideal of organic agriculture being self-sustaining through
cycling of nutrients, in principle
only on-farm wastes are recycled and most municipal wastes are excluded
due to concerns about
pollutants and philosophical views on life (biodynamic agriculture).
Nutrient supply in European
organic agriculture is mainly covered through purchase of straw, manure
and fodder from
conventional agriculture and by-products from the food industry.
Untreated minerals seem to play a
minor role. The fertility of agricultural soils can only be maintained
over the long-term if plant nutrients
removed, are replaced with equivalent amounts and if added sources have
a higher solubility than
those present in the soil. These conditions are in most cases not
fulfilled in organic agriculture. It can
thus be concluded that the naturalness of nutrient sources is no
guarantee of superior quality and
that promotion of organic principles does not improve the supply and
recycling of nutrients but
excludes other more effective solutions for nutrient use in
agricultural systems.
.....Its why i ask.
1. Use of fossil fuels
2. polution.
3. Destroying of the life going on under the surface that supposedly
What i've learned from article searches is that the leaching of
nitrogen is higher per bushel in an non nutrient added method then one
with added fertilizers.
Parsely, a common theme in an organic discussion is the anger
reciprocated from questions being asked that move out of the holistic
and into actual scientific questions. I ask the questions cuz i have
read this stuff, and have questions, not to attack your way of doing
things. Hope this is clear. Stuff doesn't add up from what is said to
what is written in almost all the science journals i have read.
For example straight out of the Swedish Crop Production Manual -
Ambitions and Limitations:
Abstract This chapter examines the practice of applying nutrients in
organic or slowly soluble
inorganic form in the belief that plants will obtain balanced nutrition
through the actions of soil
microbes. The organic principle of only fertilising the soil and not
directly feeding the crop with water-soluble nutrients has no support
in science. The release of organically bound nutrients in soil through
biological activity is not necessarily synchronised with crop demands
and occurs even at times when
there is no crop growth. Changes in the soil biological community do
not overcome this limitation.
Despite the ideal of organic agriculture being self-sustaining through
cycling of nutrients, in principle
only on-farm wastes are recycled and most municipal wastes are excluded
due to concerns about
pollutants and philosophical views on life (biodynamic agriculture).
Nutrient supply in European
organic agriculture is mainly covered through purchase of straw, manure
and fodder from
conventional agriculture and by-products from the food industry.
Untreated minerals seem to play a
minor role. The fertility of agricultural soils can only be maintained
over the long-term if plant nutrients
removed, are replaced with equivalent amounts and if added sources have
a higher solubility than
those present in the soil. These conditions are in most cases not
fulfilled in organic agriculture. It can
thus be concluded that the naturalness of nutrient sources is no
guarantee of superior quality and
that promotion of organic principles does not improve the supply and
recycling of nutrients but
excludes other more effective solutions for nutrient use in
agricultural systems.
.....Its why i ask.