we ran into that with an annual ryegrass we tried behind silage for fall grazing a few years back, was supposed to be both easy to kill with Gly, and winterkill easily. It wasn't on both accounts.
Furrow. I have been pushing companies to quantify "resistant" claims, many in this area last year sprayed all there non "resistant" varieties and not the resisitant ones and saw major issues.
All resistant varieties currently have different levels of resistance and this need to be quantified in sales data much like they do with maturities, lodging etc etc.
It would help with decision making not only on seed decisions but agronomic decisions in crop.
we ran into that with an annual ryegrass we tried behind silage for fall grazing a few years back, was supposed to be both easy to kill with Gly, and winterkill easily. It wasn't on both accounts.
Furrow. I have been pushing companies to quantify "resistant" claims, many in this area last year sprayed all there non "resistant" varieties and not the resisitant ones and saw major issues.
All resistant varieties currently have different levels of resistance and this need to be quantified in sales data much like they do with maturities, lodging etc etc.
It would help with decision making not only on seed decisions but agronomic decisions in crop.