Your comment on a thread almost too far back was ,
Hopper, the renter did an excellent job, precisely
as prescribed, exactly as advised. And kept
records. No conflict. But the system was doomed
to failure. Pars
What exactly did he do? At that time no till was not common and many were going towards continuous cropping from summerfallow every 2 to 4 years. Possibly he did not fertilize enough which was also common at that time.
In my opinion fertilizer and min till made our farms profitable and productive. My dad who summerfallowed every 3rd year cannot believe that I can have an earth worm hanging on every shank when checking things but he takes my word for it and I am good for it. Something has happened since the days of summerfallow and excessively working the soil I am thinking.
Hopper, the renter did an excellent job, precisely
as prescribed, exactly as advised. And kept
records. No conflict. But the system was doomed
to failure. Pars
What exactly did he do? At that time no till was not common and many were going towards continuous cropping from summerfallow every 2 to 4 years. Possibly he did not fertilize enough which was also common at that time.
In my opinion fertilizer and min till made our farms profitable and productive. My dad who summerfallowed every 3rd year cannot believe that I can have an earth worm hanging on every shank when checking things but he takes my word for it and I am good for it. Something has happened since the days of summerfallow and excessively working the soil I am thinking.