"Several of the previous posts are glaring examples of
ignorance by self declared experts who seem to think
they know everything. "
I read the problem is with Corn... you were targeting
Canola... what did I miss?
Do you grow Canola?
Do you have bees?
We do...
and last year we went through this same topic...
with it being clear from experience....
If you are worried... and have Bees... Keep your bees
locked up and out of neighbours fields...during Canola
This is NOT rocket science!
Peter L Borst (03/29/2012 at 7:47 AM)
These studies overlook the real world experiences of
beekeepers and seed treated crops:
Canola is grown commercially mostly on the prairies in
Canada. In 2008, 16.6 million acres (6.6 million ha)
were planted and the acreage is expanding. There are
52,000 canola producers. Canada is the largest single
producer of canola in the world.
Commercially grown canola is predominantly a prairie
crop. It is so common that 80% of Canadaâs honey
crop is from canola. This amounts to 50 million lb per
year of Grade No 1 white honey.
Approximately 300,000 colonies harvest open
pollinated canola. The expanding hybrid seed
production industry, where farmers produce seed
under contract to the seed companies, required
80,000 colonies in 2008 for pollination in southern
Most canola seeds are now treated with systemic
insecticides such as Gaucho (imidacloprid), PonchoÂ
(chlothianidin) or Helix (thiamethoxan). Although
there is an expressed concern by many beekeepers
around the world about the use of systemics, the
experience in Canada is that we have had 10 years of
large scale use on canola with no observed ill effect.
Pollinating Hybrid Canola - the Southern Alberta
Heather Clay, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Honey
Council, Calgary, AB
"Several of the previous posts are glaring examples of
ignorance by self declared experts who seem to think
they know everything. "
I read the problem is with Corn... you were targeting
Canola... what did I miss?
Do you grow Canola?
Do you have bees?
We do...
and last year we went through this same topic...
with it being clear from experience....
If you are worried... and have Bees... Keep your bees
locked up and out of neighbours fields...during Canola
This is NOT rocket science!
Peter L Borst (03/29/2012 at 7:47 AM)
These studies overlook the real world experiences of
beekeepers and seed treated crops:
Canola is grown commercially mostly on the prairies in
Canada. In 2008, 16.6 million acres (6.6 million ha)
were planted and the acreage is expanding. There are
52,000 canola producers. Canada is the largest single
producer of canola in the world.
Commercially grown canola is predominantly a prairie
crop. It is so common that 80% of Canadaâs honey
crop is from canola. This amounts to 50 million lb per
year of Grade No 1 white honey.
Approximately 300,000 colonies harvest open
pollinated canola. The expanding hybrid seed
production industry, where farmers produce seed
under contract to the seed companies, required
80,000 colonies in 2008 for pollination in southern
Most canola seeds are now treated with systemic
insecticides such as Gaucho (imidacloprid), PonchoÂ
(chlothianidin) or Helix (thiamethoxan). Although
there is an expressed concern by many beekeepers
around the world about the use of systemics, the
experience in Canada is that we have had 10 years of
large scale use on canola with no observed ill effect.
Pollinating Hybrid Canola - the Southern Alberta
Heather Clay, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Honey
Council, Calgary, AB