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Fight on Paul

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    Fight on Paul

    Rons son Rand is in a filibustor trying to stop drone
    deployment against us citizens.


    Let's all get off the 'greedy bastard tour' for just a
    moment and pay tribute to Stompin' Tom Connors who
    died today. Whether you like his sound or not, he was
    the ultimate patriot and proud of his country. Could
    use more of his ilk, don't you think?


      Whatever you thought of his music, a true patriot.R.I.P. Surrender Paul.


        I totally agree.


          Start you own thread about ST and stop
          trolling this one. Feel good music
          doesn't stop your government from taking
          away your Miranda rights, and access to
          the courts, before they kill you.

          Stand with Rand.


            Some people wonder how hitler got so many
            volunteers,i don't.


              H2S, I humbly apologize. I was shocked to hear of ST's
              passing just moments before and didn't stop to
              consider a thread. As for the theme of this post,
              doesn't anyone get it that today's Democratic Societies
              have embraced Orwellian control long ago. Big brother
              is watching and there is piss all you can do about it.


                I disagree. The board was an Orwellian
                control apparatus, and it is gone.
                Something can always be done. So no I
                will not smile and shrug my shoulders.

                If Hellfire missile strikes are too
                abstract for you, how about the Supreme
                Court of Canada deciding last week that
                truth is no defence in a court of law.


                  H2S - and I agree to disagree with you. Since when
                  did truth in the courts ever count for anything?
                  Follow the money. Being watched - have you been
                  to a large department store lately? Scan the ceiling,
                  smile you're on Candid Camera. Walk around
                  downtown Calgary, smile you're on Candid Camera.
                  The Feds wanted access to your internet activity.
                  Who says they don't already have it? And Hellfire
                  missiles, you must be too young to remember the
                  Viet Nam War. Let me introduce some terms -
                  'carpet bombing', 'napalm attacks on suspected VC
                  villages', 'collateral damage' to explain the
                  unintended consequences. The only difference now
                  is they don't need to risk a pilot or a flight crew.
                  Kind of like playing video games. Do I condone this
                  - no! The Wheat Board is gone so get on with it.
                  You can't blame your woes on something that no
                  longer exists. Worry about the future. BTW, Paul
                  was quite happy with the response to his major
                  issue (plus he had to go pee). Finally, I hope you
                  don't know who I am nor live close to me, you're a
                  scary character!



                    The very fact that Cole is encouraging legal methods
                    of change... is a very good thing.

                    I haven't heard of a case before... that charges
                    someone with a crime... for simply offending them...
                    when the offence came from a truthful standard of

                    NOW If we say people are 'sinners'... this is offensive to
                    someone; it is hate speech... according to the Supreme
                    Court ruling. Almost every book of moral
                    consequence... has 'right and wrong standards'
                    included in the text... which will offend someone

                    I am happy Cole is my neighbour (wherever he lives
                    and farms)... and truly do hope you Rocky... have
                    moral standards (code of ethics).

                    There are 'rules' that everyone must obey... right and
                    wrong... for a civilization to prosper and be alive.

                    I am proud to be a Canadian!

                    God Bless Canada!



                      Rockpile "Since when did truth in the
                      courts ever count for anything?"
                      Personal experience?


                        Funny question. Actually, I have never been in a
                        court room. Now I am curious and just might go in
                        one day to observe. My comments were based on
                        the observation That truth and justice can really be
                        secondary in Canada to good legal representation.
                        We now have a thing going on in parts of Alberta
                        where lawyers keep delaying proceedings until the
                        courts are so backed up, years go by, and the cases
                        are dismissed. Just in the last month, 2 DUI's
                        causing death were ended after 2 or 3 years of
                        delays, and one vicious sexual assault in Airdrie was
                        closed off. The victim has been ****d a second
                        time, this time by the courts. Tom, I have no idea
                        what you were rambling on about.


                          Toms talking about the Saskatchewan
                          kangaroo.. er.. I mean humanrights court
                          decision on Bill Whatcott. Someone's
                          little feelers got hurt, so they were
                          awarded compensation.

                          I would have just called them


                            Gotcha. He may be a wing nut, I don't know, but that's
                            his right. If you don't like - walk away or offer a
                            counter argument, but don't stifle speech or thought.
                            I'm still pissed that some school districts banned 'To
                            Kill a Mockingbird"


                              I think you misunderstood. Free speech
                              is what I preach. Reread my post. I
                              agree with Tom.


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