Farmers selling to feedlots is a hard number to quantify.
Yep sure is, but if the estimate is the feedlot is on a wheat diet with 20000 head eating 5lbs of wheat per day per animal, the equation gets a little easier. Maybe, maybe not.
But those cummulative sales take time to be accounted for in government reports. As opposed to large sales that have to be reported at the end of the week or end of day if the sale is large enough. I don't put alot of stock in any government report, especially in Canada.
If statscan finds 500,000 plus tonnes of canola this august when the exporters and crushers report to the CGC, then its really not an entity (statscan) worth having when you also consider they can fudge the numbers for two years after the fact.
Grainco's are currently using basis to find grain, that is a bullish event. Maybe, maybe not.
Yep sure is, but if the estimate is the feedlot is on a wheat diet with 20000 head eating 5lbs of wheat per day per animal, the equation gets a little easier. Maybe, maybe not.
But those cummulative sales take time to be accounted for in government reports. As opposed to large sales that have to be reported at the end of the week or end of day if the sale is large enough. I don't put alot of stock in any government report, especially in Canada.
If statscan finds 500,000 plus tonnes of canola this august when the exporters and crushers report to the CGC, then its really not an entity (statscan) worth having when you also consider they can fudge the numbers for two years after the fact.
Grainco's are currently using basis to find grain, that is a bullish event. Maybe, maybe not.