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Happy Easter Every One!

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    Happy Easter Every One!

    Id like to wish every one a happy Easter. Yes even the non Religious ones out their and the over religious ones.
    To all atheists Go to work on Friday its a Christian holiday and if you don't like it go to work!
    Now with all the snow we have don't over shovel and have a heart attack! Eat lots of Turkey.
    But most of all enjoy with family and friends.

    Did you steal that Good Friday rant from
    John Gormley? I heard it yesterday on
    there, and had to agree.


      Actually part of it. I just rolled with laughter when he said it.


        Ah Easter where spring is in the air, Yea right, yesterday our first goose hit the slough at home and almost died.
        Poor guy was doing a low fly by and must have been thinking "wow I should have stayed south a wile longer" No gophers yet but saw a beaver moving across the snow yesterday!


          Happy Easter everyone.
          I am looking forward to some family time.


            Someone greeted me with that "Happy Easter" greeting the other day and I replied to her..."What is this Happy Easter BS? In the good old days I never heard any such greeting...it must be this "NEW" generation thing where every event has to take on a party atmosphere.

            Easter used to be a solemn occasion but now anything goes from bunnies and candied crap for the kids to holiday excursions to Disneyland or student SEXcursions to Florida or other exotic destinations.

            Just celebrate Easter and drop the HAPPY crap.


              Willi you are such a sad individual. Yes Easter is the Death and rising of Christ. Period.
              But I did mass this morning now on my way to warmer climate.
              Easter in Jamaica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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