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Wheat and oilseed futures prices hammered down on bearish USDA Reports.

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    Wheat and oilseed futures prices hammered down on bearish USDA Reports.

    Tough day for grain prices.

    USDA Reports hammer wheat and oilseed futures today.

    [URL="http://www.farms.com/markets/"] http://www.farms.com/markets/ [/URL]

    I will post a video analysis a little later today.

    Good news on one hand, bad on the other for me. I got all my feeders to sell yet, worrying that I would have to keep feeding through seeding time before some price increase. At the same time, the grain side is definately the part that has kept me solvent recently.


      Bought bred black Heifers today. Averaged 1475
      lots of middle age cows 1200$ Now I just have to
      drive the liner myself to go get em! Somethin
      about some holiday.


        NOAA predicts continued drought for the plains and texas along with flooding for the north. Let's just say the crop is not in the bin and planting intentions are just that. Markets rise and fall becuase they can.




            Probably a good decision if the heifers are good quality. You have a rising land base, a rising forage base, and with moisture levels looking good you should be able to handle the extra cattle.


              Probably a good decision if the heifers are good quality. You have a rising land base, a rising forage base, and with moisture levels looking good you should be able to handle the extra cattle.


                Can someone explain paying so much more for bred heifers versus a proven cow? What is your re-breeding success on these heifers, likely a higher open rate than cows? I have never stepped into buying bred heifers, but a solid cow for less money seems a better deal, and lower risk to me. Yet, lots of guys chase the heifers.


                  Ya you bet ASRG!

                  Very nice looking heifers one calved before being
                  sold. Guess some guys hired man walked off was
                  the story anyway. Not sure how they could be any
                  nicer heifers. Great temperament, length,
                  condition, all around geat stuff. Not UFA cows for
                  sure ....bad (udder, feet, attitude) that usually this
                  time of year brings. By the time I drove home 6.5
                  hours grabbed a truck and wrestled a trailer out of
                  the snow and headed back ...the mart had 2
                  calves waiting for us. Loaded at 5 am and headed
                  back another 7 hours. Glad my 18 yr old son
                  wanted experience driving truck took turns driving
                  hammer down! Good thing DOT's don't work
                  holidays...son not legal yet for class one training,
                  no log book, no manifest, a few lights on the truck
                  didn't work, straight pipe exhaust, trailer brakes
                  sketchy, and o ya purple fuel. ))


                    I'm with you cattleman - If I wanted young I'd buy
                    heifer calves/yearling heifers or buy cows bred back
                    with their second calf. I think its tough moving bred
                    heifers/just calved heifers to different

                    I think feeder cattle have been a better buy than
                    breds of late - you can ship them in August which
                    buys you drought protection.


                      In my view people pay more for heifers because
                      your sure of the age of cow your getting. Lots of
                      cows that have some age yet look pretty good are
                      way older than one may think. I just haven't had
                      great results here building my own bulls or young
                      heifers into cows. At preg check last fall the vast
                      majority of opens were cows I bought as open
                      young heifers. If I can sell these bred heifers calfs
                      for 750$ the cow has half paid for itself. Feeding
                      for 57 or so more days then onto cheap grass.


                        Does this mean you've given up on the goat herding thing? LOL


                          Continued meltdown in corn prices on
                          Easter Monday. May corn taking aim at
                          $6.50/bu. This sell-off will shake our
                          barley bids lower.

                          Both cash wheat and corn values can
                          slide further as this appears to be a
                          general deflationary sell-off in the
                          commodity world (IMO).

                          Feeder cattle continue to race higher on
                          corn's price demise.


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