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Pg 145 of budget

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    Derivatives nightmare is coming home to roost.


      according to comments on a cyprus article in the daily telegraph canada, the uk, the usa and new zealand have 'prepared documents outlining the need to confiscate deposits to save systemically important institutions'.


        Glad I Ordered Another 10,000 Rounds 4My AR, Gunna Put Another Order in This Week!!!!!!!!!!! Lock n' Load Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          Checking,just my opinion on things.

          Not everyone reads the budget on good friday,and
          even my wife would agree with you that i am an idiot
          for on doing so.

          If i help even 1 person,even 5 years from now,it was
          worth it.


            Thanks Cotton, always nice to hear your
            angle on things like this.

            I somehow always knew bto would be a AR
            fanboy. Those plastic Mattel .223 guns
            are usually fawned over by the limp
            wristed. #FN-FAL ;-)


              This would be a very convenient way to pay off
              debt. Ever heard of the New World Order? If
              there ever was a plan agreed to by world
              leaders, wouldn't it be so cool to just get
              together, wave their magic wand, steal all our
              money, take the gold and silver too, any
              possession that generates wealth and be the big
              hero. After all they did it to protect the little guy.
              Should we make a movie? We could name it ,
              "King Cash".

              Far fetched, you think? Better get up and play
              Easter Bunny. All I know is I don't want their
              measley 1% interest. GIC actually means "get
              icey cold cash.


                TD bank has the highest tier one ratio at 12%,if just
                12 % makes you feel better.

                Trying to find out specifically what the rest of the
                assets are.

                Probably the usual suspects,mbs's,cds's and the rest
                of the derivative's time bomb's.

                If anything did happen over here,id bet a shiny nickel
                the big boys would have all their money out in a nano
                second and in off shore accounts in singapore and
                hong kong through subsidiaries,compounding the
                problems for little guys.


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