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Just heard Ralph Klein has died.

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    Just heard Ralph Klein has died.

    The radio news story mentioned he passed away today at age 70 years.

    I always liked how he made things happen.

    RIP Ralph.

    His politics were chaotic and damaging...condolences to his wife and family.


      RIP Ralph!



        Prime Minister Stephen Harper today issued the following statement on the death of Ralph Klein, former Premier of Alberta:

        “Alberta and Canada have lost a unique and significant leader. While Ralph’s beliefs about the role of government and fiscal responsibility were once considered radical, it is perhaps his greatest legacy that these ideas are now widely embraced across the political spectrum.

        “A broadcast journalist, Ralph was a gifted story teller who earned the public’s trust long before he sought public office. Before entering provincial politics he served as Mayor of Calgary, helping to welcome the world during the 1988 Winter Olympics. Premier of Alberta from 1992 to 2006, Ralph played a crucial role in securing for his province and our entire country, the economic success from which both continue to benefit today.

        “While Ralph had opponents, he made few personal enemies. To me, he wasn’t King Ralph, as some described him. Instead, during a colourful political career he remained Citizen Ralph - a man equally at home in the Petroleum Club as he was in the St. Louis Hotel. A man who said what he believed and did what he said.

        “Laureen and I join Calgarians, Albertans and Canadians in paying tribute to Ralph. Our thoughts and prayers are with Colleen and all members of the Klein family at this difficult time.”


          They Sure Don't Make em' Like That No More eh Guys!!!!!!!! RIP Old Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            RIP Ralph Klein....one of the best.


              an example of a politician who wasn't lawyer first.
              what more can you say?


                I will miss his bluntness. If you asked
                him a question, he would shoot right back,
                no minced words. straight and to the
                point. Wish there were more that were not
                afraid to get to the point and just spit
                it out, rather than word dance and hem and

                RIP Ralph.


                  Its too bad.

                  Sounds like Alberta could use a Ralph Klein these days.

                  Where have the leaders gone?

                  And why is there no one that follows in his shoes?


                    Like my grandmother used to say "Only the
                    good die young" RIP Ralph.


                      Should have cloned him.


                        Here's to per acre farm subsidy payments and
                        Ralph Klein. Screw the accountants and just give
                        the farmers the money!

                        We sure are missing old Ralph in the Legislature
                        these days. Sick people would be still landing at
                        the hospital instead of flying to the international
                        and then taking a lovely ambulance ride back to
                        the city. F N Nuts!!

                        R.I.P RALPHY.......R.I.P.


                          Condolences to the Klein family. My, but Alberta
                          could use some practical leadership rrigjt now,
                          who would work in the interest of Alberta, and
                          Canada as well. Ralph knew how to create
                          prosperity. What a valuable trait! Pars


                            Parsley Actually Alberta is reaping now what Ralph Klein Sowed. The oil companies were given the province lock stock and barrel and it Did create a huge Boom. Growth for the sake of Growth.
                            BUT Now with All the people a huge amount of money has to be spent on Infrastructure (Schools,road,Hospitals etc.) and The province has No money from Royalties or at least Not enough to spend on fixing the above problems. Consequently huge deficits.
                            Unfortunately King Brad is going down the same path as King Ralph did


                              mustardman: Not completely true. Klein spent more on infrastructure per capita than any other province....fact.
                              We will gladly trade Redford for Wall anyday?


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