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Liberal Leaders? Martha Hall Findlay has an Ag policy

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    Liberal Leaders? Martha Hall Findlay has an Ag policy

    I was quite encouraged that Findlay is a voice for
    free marketing. I doubt whether Justin has any
    inkling what farming entails. Pars


    Justine has been living on a tit his
    whole life.


      Shouldn't that qualify as an ag policy.


        Findlay has been very critical of Supply Mismanagement. That's good to see from the Liberal party. Unfortunately Findlay doesn't have a chance of gaining the leadership. It's going to be a slam dunk for Justin, who seems to have inherited both his mother's looks and her brains.


          Gotta give the guy a chance. Just because he
          came from a good family should not disqualify
          him before he tells us what makes him tick.
          Harper is a bit too hardline and inflexible for my
          liking sometime. Maybe need someone who can
          hang a bit looser.


            The only job he has had is being a drama

            I will stick with Harper.


              I'm with you bucket. Shame the FLQ didn't shoot the old man and stuff him into a trunk. The last thing we need in this country is another Trudork with any kind of power.


                Harper didnt have much of a career before politics either.


                  Harper has a masters degree in economics. A masters in economics vs. a part-time drama teacher
                  and that's a decision for you? REALLY?


                    Oh sure, i have an Economics degree. Thnik it
                    helps? If you like to see graphs and slopes and
                    really not much else, grad studies same material,
                    good grief, maybe drama has more to do with



                      Are you saying your vote goes to Martha?

                      I am not a big fan of any of the liberal candidates.


                        No, Buzz. I simply noted that a Liberal candidate
                        had thought about Ag policy, and made a stance
                        on it. One to agree with. I appreciate when
                        candidates include Ag policy. It signifies that
                        agriculture is important in their eyes. Pars


                          Regina Leader Post April 6, 2013 says Justin
                          could be Prime Minister if election was held
                          today. I know why and Mary Jane is her name.


                            I agree, sumdum. All the dazed pot smokers will
                            vote for Justin." Uh, man, uh, couldja tell me
                            where to put my X, ya, on this f#%£in' floating
                            ballot, man?" Pars.


                              Hey Pars, we grew up in the late sixties and 70s.
                              So did a lot of Canadians. I was very surprised
                              when a friend of mine was terminal with such
                              severe pain, no help in sight until his Dr. gave
                              him the ok. Medicinal Marijuana is an interesting
                              subject. You may be surprised to google Rick
                              Simpson and Phoenix Tears. Far Out Man.

                              It appears to be a marvelous herb for those who
                              need it. i dont-yet.


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