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Dave Suzuki Bashes Canada

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    Dave Suzuki Bashes Canada

    Cause we don't contribute to his bullshit. Thumbs up. Met a young man on my flight back from Kathmandu that was all about Dave Suzuki so hot about he got to travel with him. Yes the guy is famous but has no representation necessarily to the nature of things or the science he represented in the past. He was in Bhutan recently and praised the people for their simple self sustaining life figuring that is the way to go, yet was his life so self sustaining all basic, will he do as he preaches, he is running out of time at his age.


    By David Suzuki with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation Ontario and Northern Canada Director General Faisal Moola.

    The federal government recently pulled out of an important global treaty: the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. It's aimed at fighting drought, a problem that affects almost 30 per cent of Earth's land surface and threatens the well-being of more than a billion people worldwide, including in our Prairie provinces.

    Subscribe to Science Matters

    Every year, the cumulative effects of overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation, poor irrigation and increasing extreme weather events — including those that cause drought — permanently degrade close to 10 million hectares of land. This has led to a creeping loss of places where food can easily be grown.

    The deterioration of dry-land ecosystems has already created desert-like "dead zones" that can no longer support human life in places such as sub-Saharan Africa. No region is immune. Close to three-quarters of North America's dry lands, including parts of the Prairies, are vulnerable to drought. And sudden loss of agricultural productivity can be devastating to farm communities across Canada.

    Under the UN convention, close to 195 countries are working to improve living conditions for some of the world's most vulnerable people, to maintain and restore land and soil productivity and to reduce the effects of drought, including food and water shortages, malnutrition, mass migrations, increased political instability and war.

    Many aid and development experts believe this international agreement is critical to advancing global economic, political and food security. Canada is the only country to walk away.

    The convention is a rare example of people from around the world coming together to address the root causes of environmental and social crises. It was passed shortly after drought-related crop failures and resulting malnutrition, starvation and mass migrations ravaged the Horn of Africa in the 1980s in places like Somalia and Ethiopia.

    Canadians opened their hearts and wallets to these horrific droughts. Our government matched public efforts with leadership in helping to negotiate the Desertification Convention, signed in 1994. Canadians even led its decision-making body for many years. Through our partnership in the convention, previous federal governments also poured hundreds of millions of dollars into research, education and direct aid to drought-stricken nations.

    Canada's past leadership is no surprise. Drought is a serious problem for our farmers. We are, in fact, officially designated as an 'affected nation' under the convention, given that 60 per cent of our croplands and 80 per cent of our rangelands are in dry-land areas. Earlier droughts, such as the dust bowls of the Dirty '30s, triggered severe erosion and dust storms, and resulted in tragic consequences, including massive unemployment and abandonment of farms across the Prairies.

    The current government even recognizes our social and economic vulnerability to droughts. A 2008 study by Environment Canada and the Saskatchewan Research Council found that a severe dry period in 2001-02 resulted in $3.6 billion in losses to farmers from reduced agricultural production in Canada. The study warned that climate change is likely to cause more droughts and associated economic risks. As one of the highest per capita greenhouse gas emitters in the world, we're contributing to worldwide drought.

    Canada was once renowned internationally for progressive ideals and values that help improve the world — from the creation and deployment of peacekeepers by the government of Lester B. Pearson to our support for a global ban on anti-personnel land mines with the passing of the Ottawa Treaty (also known as the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention). The world community recognized many of our leaders for these efforts with Nobel Peace Prizes and nominations.

    By abandoning the UN Desertification Convention, as well as other important international agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol, we're sending the wrong message to the world community. We're saying that exporting resources like oil and timber matter more to us than contributing to dialogue and partnership on global issues. That Canada snuck out of the agreement without even notifying the UN secretariat:, just to save about $300,000 a year, makes matters worse.

    Nature doesn't heed human borders, and global problems like drought and desertification require global solutions. Canada was wrong to pull out of the UN Desertification Convention. Doing so further isolates us on the world stage as a partner in addressing environmental issues and tarnishes our hard-earned reputation when it comes to making the world a better place to live.

    Interesting how when you travel the world and learn stuff. This kid said his dad paid to some organization so he was invited to go, here is how it works.

    How you can join us

    This is your planet. Protect its natural diversity and stand up for a better quality of life for everyone, now and for the future. As space on a departure like this is extremely limited, G Adventures is hosting a silent auction with proceeds benefitting Planeterra and the David Suzuki Foundation. For each traveller booked, G Adventures will donate $1,000 to the Planeterra Foundation and $1,000 to the David Suzuki Foundation.

    STARTING BID: $6,000/person. Auction closes November 11, 2012.

    On my flight to Bangkok this kid was telling me about all his worldly knowledge and David Suzuki LOL, about being earthly and basic and its the way to go. But this guy just spent 6 thousand American to get to base camp via helicopter meanwhile I just spent 12 days hiking just to get there. He was also from Canada and thought all farmers were corporate and we only sold grain to vittera. I actually had a much better conversation in high altitude with a Nepali Native living now as a resident of Australia on tour in Nepal. We talked about Chinese investment in Aussie farms. The guy on tour with Suzuki I shake my head.


      Ok if no one is familiar with this tour in Bhutan it should cost about 1000 American dollars as does not include flight to and fro. So 6 grand minus the 2 in donations equals 4grand is one shit load of profit somewhere. I think young people are so very vulnerable to propaganda.


        Its amazing what you find out when you travel. Must of been one heck of a fun trip you did good on you. The kid, well some day when he is living in the slums of Toronto will finally know what is going on! Crooks and cons have a new disguise today its called a celebrity!


          Propaganda 1936 & today.
          people are the same animal. then its ignorance
          propagated thru limits on education, travel, etc.
          your young disciple on the plane was repeating
          propaganda thru lack of direct hands on experience
          with the real world.
          flow of information is truly a blessing.
          learning the hard way a gift.
          He likely didn't pay his airfare working at Timmies
          after class.


            Rich American foundations slide their money into
            Canada, and wage campaigns that influence our
            youth, prop socialist agendas and interfere
            In out country's affairs.

            Americans have to lean to mind their own


            U.S.A. foundations would do well to stop
            spreading money around in Canada, and instead
            spend their money to run ads in their own
            country, support their own institutions in their
            own country in order to pay down some of their
            debt, while they get out of our face.

            US meddling has become harassment. Pars


              Comedia's new motto should read, "Use it,
              abuse it, then user some more, f the
              future cousin we'll all be feedin worms by
              then." ClusterfHarpereRitz, eh!


                suzuki is an abrasive personality with his own politics but he ain't wrong about everything. disagreeing with everything he says just because you don't like him doesn't make sense either.


                  David Suzuki is like the NDP. I have yet
                  to find a single thing the NDP says that I
                  find remotely smart. I am sure David knows
                  more than I about fruit flies.

                  He can't be all bad, I guess.


                    Blackpowder I resent you coment on ignorance of the un educated. I think the school of hard knocks have put more intelegent people on this earth than all your Profs in the learning instutions , after all all they are doing is telling you what someone else has already done.


                      Here is what David Suzuki says about Canadian


                      Ezra Levant has discussed many of Suzuki's
                      unethical issues.


                        "Ezra Levant has discussed many of Suzuki's unethical issues."

                        Ezra Levant is no doubt an expert on what is "unethical"...


                          the problem with typing on phones. lack of
                          punctuation. had I written my post properly you
                          might find we agree.
                          propaganda finds fertile ground within ignorance.
                          ignorance can be found in all walks of life.
                          for the record I haven't the benefit of formal
                          education either. sorry for the misunderstanding.


                            David Suzuki, portrait of an ass grabber:


                              Geezerd Levant, speaks fer Western
                              Comedian framers, mostly lies, butt he
                              speaks fer us boys/girls cousin wes a very
                              dumbbuncha bunnies ut hare in the West, eh


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