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    so we should just let everyone run wild and not worry about the consequences? it's silly to think there is no nutrient loading from runoff. do you want somebody's runoff contaminated with salts running across your land or ponding there? lake winnipeg is the prime example and there will be consequences from what is happening there. as population grows everyone will be pressured to be environmentally responsible and agriculture is only one of the industries that will be scrutinized.


      sf3 those lakes had algal blooms before the white man settled here but that doesn't mean bad practices will be allowed to continue. regina is a huge problem but measurements have been done to determine the nutrient loads of runoff and how the destruction of wetlands affects the amount of runoff and the nutrients removed by runoff. i don't think agriculture is the biggest problem but to pretend farmers will be given carte blanche to do whatever they weant regardless of effects downstream is living in a fool's paradise.


        Lake Winnipeg gets nutrients from a
        couple things. That red river valley
        area, north and south of the border,
        uses extensive, and often excessive
        tillage, it uses lots of hog manure, it
        is downstream of a city of 700 000. In
        most of Saskatchewan, no tillage is the
        rule. Fewwer hogs per acre. Fewer people
        per drainage basin. When soil does not
        move, neither do the nutrients within.
        Water runs clearer than ever before. Not
        muddy brown. land, once drained, adds
        little runoff, because the crop is
        removing moisture from the soil profile,
        so a new equillibrium is reached. Also,
        there are no 7 foot cattails catching
        snow all winter, so the recharge is much

        Just a couple things to think about.


          Jensend No willy nilly but blaming farmers for the problems is a crock of shit.
          Sorry when the beavers have dammed up huge areas and mother nature with 30 inches of rain per last 4 years and now all this snow. Yea blame the farmers.


            lol. blame the beavers. read what i wrote. there were problems before agriculture ever existed here but that doesn't mean you're going to be allowed to run water wherever you want. you'd be screaming bloody murder if a feedlot decided to clean their pens and dump it on your street because it was easy. maybe land ownership is going to carry some responsibility.


              Holy **** some of your are living in wonderland. Telling yourself that
              your are actually helping everyone out downstream by draining every acre
              of land within three days of snow melt, or at the very least not causing
              any harm. You can't tell me when there is guys digging ditches ten feet
              deep with a track hoe that that isn't adding to the problems with
              excessive rainfall.

              I know and understand that we need to drain our land to get onto it too
              farm. I would argue though that the problem is that what took three weeks
              to a couple months to drain a decade ago is now being drained in a week
              with all the ditching that is going on. And the infrastructure down
              stream cannot handle the extremes volumes of water being forced upon it in
              such a short period of time. Now I know that the majority of this is
              coming from extreme excess snowfall and rain, but we are just exasperating
              the problem instead of mitigating it. Now if the government had a brain,
              with insight and vision they would fix the infrastructure to handle and
              properly manage the flow, with creating outflows on some lakes, new
              channels, etc... Perhaps they could have spent the disaster assistance
              money on this instead of giving it to farmers to fix up their yards who
              built it in a slough hole.

              There is a lot of blame to go around with all this water mess, and a lot
              of it rests on the farmers and govt regulation, but most is due to mother
              nature. When some people had the vision and foresight to build ditches in
              the 80's and 90's they where fought every step of the way be those who
              where to cheap to pay the small increase in taxes to the c&d etc..., and
              now everyone is paying for the small mindedness of some. The costs have
              sky rocketed and are now even impossible due to increased govt regulation.

              I am not against ditching by any means. I just think we should use common
              sense and not push every bush and drain every slough/lake that has been
              around for a century. If we can' at least use some common sense ourselves
              the govt will force it upon us and then we will all lose.


                Wheat king you make a lot of sense in a
                lot of ways. I do know for me, I was
                talking v ditches mostly, not ten foot
                trenches so much. I hear you on that


                  BGMP .. I dont know where you is from but I am dam glad I am not a close neibour , with your attude of to hell with everyone I will do as I please I dont think we would be friendly. As for your land you bought with sloughs or bogs you got it cheaper because of them so why do you need to drain everything, so you can get those 80 ft airseeders in there.
                  Sask3 if you have feed enough for 20 beaver then you at least didnt drain everything good for you. A small piece of natural shouldnt hurt to leave.
                  What has happened to your water well levels, I know here the water table has droped 25/30ft since 2002 drought when everyone decided to farm those sloughs that were dry now they whine they are wet. No pleasing a farmer!!!


                    Horse, the areas that have drainage areas
                    are not drought prone areas. Our wells
                    have risen substantially, drainage or not.


                      I get along with all my neighbours, have not had a
                      problem with a single one actually. We drain
                      water on to eachother in some cases and as long
                      as it runs through and has an outlet its no big deal
                      to help a neighbour out.

                      Problem is when the anti progress sit in the coffee
                      shop and bitch types start running their mouths.....
                      Well I guess its not really a problem, just kinda


                        It's gotta go somewhere, someone will end
                        up with it in their back yard whether it's
                        1 mile, 100 miles or 1000 miles away--
                        someone is getting it.


                          The Hudson Bay Company is getting it....lol


                            bgmb: With a statement like that I see you as
                            a very radical, lonely and a person who other
                            people try to avoid. Good god man, do you
                            think some of us on here a stupid, stupid,
                            stupid. Like farmaholic says it has to end up
                            somewhere. Do you think it just evaporites in
                            the air in a day or two? We have flooding in
                            areas because of drainage. Somewhere a
                            bottleneck happens and causes water to
                            redirect into other areas, thus causing
                            flooding. Good luck bgmb in your sad and
                            lonely life.


                              Ag chat, pull your head out of your ass everybody
                              is draining everywhere, tile drainage, rotary
                              ditchers, trackhoe, sc****r. I am just up front
                              about what is happening, its been going on for
                              years in other areas so why should i stop now.
                              Red river valley can do what they want for
                              drainage hell they even created their own rivers
                              and nobody says anything so why is it different for
                              the upland areas?


                                Sure the water goes somewhere, but keep
                                in mind every area is different. For
                                example in our area, there are several
                                fairly main waterways that are deep
                                natural ravines that the water gets sent
                                to. the topograghy is such, that no one
                                will notice this water anywhere
                                downstream until winnipeg, and only that
                                if it is an exceptional runoff, and only
                                that if fishing lake overflows.

                                Some areas are flatter with fewer
                                natural outlets. A guy just shouldn't


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