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Wind mills?

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    Wind mills?

    I forgot to ask this the other day.
    North of Lipton, and south of Leross,
    one can see from highway 35, there are
    about 4 or 5 medium sized windmills off
    to the west about a mile or so off the
    highway, near what looks like a large
    grain leg on a seed farm. Just wondering
    about this, if anyone here knows about
    them, and if they are a private
    investment or???

    Just found it interesting, as they were
    pretty big.

    Hagie seed farm purchased them to help with his power bill. Don't think its working out that great.


      Thanks SF. They did not look to be turning
      at all on the windy day we went south.
      They are pretty big though eh? Not like
      Sask power projects, but fairly
      substantial. Must have cost a small


        We thought about doing one on the farm a few years back. partners turned me down since I live in the city and didn't have to look at it every day!


          saskframer3 lives in the fn city add that
          ta his list of accomplishments, exotic
          holidays, fishin at the lake, gamblin
          trips ta the usa, seeing all the fine
          thing there is ta see. Makin a fortune on
          the frame, investing in the markets,
          touring all the gag show and tells. Next
          announcement from this guy is, HE NEVER FN
          SLEEPS. Sleep when er dead man, eh!!!


            I wish this site had an "ignore poster" feature


              Burp fart where have you been! Oh yea under your rock. Every one knows I live in the City.
              Get up to speed.


                Ya Man, Wascana Heights, Rich Man Livin!!!!! His Mansion Sit on 40 Acres, Who Da Neighbours, I Said, His Mansion Sit on 40 Acres, WHO DA NEIGHBOURS!!!!!!!!! ))))


                  Good thing the rocks aint in Regina, heh SF3?
                  only snow,LOL


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