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Justin Trudeau wins big Liberal leadership vote. Trudeaumania Part 2 begins.

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    I would want a decisive boss, not a pansy waffler, but that is
    just me. BTW, there is no such thing as a PC mp.

    Having a decisive leader who would rather gitter done than set
    up a comittee every time someone has to take a dump, is worth
    something. Harper has saved me from the CWB, he has saved my
    right to own guns. Just because someone is perceived to be MR.
    no personality, does not mean he is. I bet Harper would be a
    heck of a guy one on one. Here is the deal no one talks about.
    Harper does not like being in the limelight. He is shy. So then
    you have Trudeau who is not shy, but thinks the world of
    himself, and loves being in the spotlight, craves it really, and
    this is somehow better? When Harper decided against having a
    media circus ask questions everytime Rona Ambrose had to have a
    drink of water, the media went nuts, because the access for
    frivilty was denied finally.

    Under the former governments, every time Paul Martin coughed,
    there was a requisite media circus to ask questions about it.

    The perception of Harper, and the reality of Harper, are two
    different things indeed. Because he is shy, and the media takes
    this as being stuck up, they hate him. Because the fake on,
    Trudeau, smiles, strips, and shoves his way into the spotlight,
    they love him. It feeds their egos to be able to ask lame
    questions. Harper does not feed their egos, as he is running a
    country, and probably has better things to do than to answer
    questions about why Vic Toews did not poop on Sunday.


      Most people run for politics to make a
      differance. There has been some PC MPs
      that have spoke out against Harpers gag
      orders. And there is many more not happy
      about it but not speaking out hoping for
      a cabinet post. Harper tries to control
      not only his people but the media also.
      He also tried to cripple further
      opposition by tring to reduce funding to
      them . Sounds more like a third world
      dictator to me.


        Treadu will be the next pm,and a new round of
        resource tax will come.


          So new guy, you are good with political parties being handed
          taxpayer funds then? Taking this away is common sense, not
          bully tactics. If a party has not enough merit to collect
          donations, because their ideas do not resonate, that is
          their problem, not the taxpayer. Conservative ideas resonate
          well, and therfore they blow the others away in terms of
          donations, big time. Not to mention conservative folks are
          as a whole, FAR more charitable and giving than a socialist
          to begin with, but that is another issue altogether.

          I do think this is still being phased out, thankfully.


            I agree with the premise freewheat but the reality is we have big oil sponsoring a political agenda, the everyday person cannot compete with that.


              Really? How is big oil funding this political agenda? Corporations no
              longer can make political donations.

              Unless of course you are speaking of the 3% off the top of government
              construction projects that was going to the Quebec Liberals.


                Newguy, the first thing a dictator does
                is disarm the people...to protect them
                from themselves of course. Remind you of
                anyone, maybe Rock/Chretien?


                  No. A dictator tries to control media and
                  everyone around him unless they agree with
                  his agenda. Even scientists.


                    How is Harper controlling the media? LOL


                      Some people believe that managing your
                      brand and messaging is equivalent to
                      controlling the media. Same goes for
                      refusing to fund the same old rerun high
                      school "science" projects on, haha,
                      global warming.


                        Do you actually believe there isn t corporate sponsorship? legal and illegal?

                        Freewheat, what is the difference you are saying don t subsidize the parties because they should make it on their own. When one party gets so big money wise is there a democracy when we know advertising etc. plays such a roll in peoples voting?

                        And on your farm, you say you don t like subsidies for political parties, but yet on here for your farm you have said that you love your crap insurance coverage, you know its subsidized heavily. Is it only good to subsidize when it works for you?

                        Those subsidies help you compete in the big global game. Would you have survived without that subsidy?


                          This popped into my head while thinking about harper,treadu and

                          It is EXTREMELY vulgar.You have been warned.



                            Riders, believe me when I say this: I appreciate crop insurance, I do
                            not love it. I would appreciate it more, if I paid the whole premium. I
                            strongly oppose subsidies. But with CI, it is there, and until such
                            point there is no subsidized premiums, I will use it. If I never had
                            crop insurance, it would have been tough in these unseeded years to
                            have pulled through, sure. But I am a frugal young nut, I would have
                            found a way. I am really, really. frugal.

                            Regarding political funding: It is illegal for anyone to donate more
                            than I think 1100 dollars in a single year. If corporate donations are
                            going on, it is illegal, and if big oil was funding the cons, the ndp
                            would be tying their knickers in knots to bring it to the attention of
                            the CBC. If, as the left always complains, the conservatives have a
                            minority of votes, yet have a majority of the seats, and collect the
                            most money from people, perhaps they could look at their policies or
                            lack of policy. If they had good ideas, people would give.

                            Again though, leftists are not as giving charitably as conservatives
                            are, this is just the way it is. If a conservative believes in a cause,
                            pay attention, that cause will get funded. If a liberal believes in a
                            cause, they are often too selfish to give.

                            Just the way it is for some reason.


                              Governing parties get more donations
                              because it is them that dish out
                              contracts.Good governments have to have
                              good oppositions. And a political
                              correction every few years is also


                                The conservatives collect more than all the other
                                parties combined and always have under this

                                I agree a change once in awhile is good, however
                                I believe Harper won't run in the next election.

                                A change of leader can give the feel of renewal.

                                I predict another conservative government in the
                                next election.


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