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Justin Trudeau wins big Liberal leadership vote. Trudeaumania Part 2 begins.

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    Justin Trudeau wins big Liberal leadership vote. Trudeaumania Part 2 begins.

    Justin is young, articulate, handsome and has a big name.

    Does Harper have anything to worry about?

    I think he does.

    Trudeau said he's gonna represent Canada all the
    way from Edmonston to Halifax lol good looks will
    only take you so far in life and politics!


      Is little trudeau REALLY handsome? I
      have yet to meet a woman of any age that
      finds him attractive at all. He has an
      eagle beak opener nose, a poodle top,
      and chiseled out eyes.

      If he IS good looking to some, and they
      vote according to how "hot" he
      apparently is, these buffoons should
      have their voting rights revoked for
      being stupid.

      He has no policy, no clue. I think
      Harper is not at all worried. He has
      fought men of zero substance his entire
      career, and won handily. Imagine trudeau
      in a debate with Harper? Feel good and
      the "cute" factor, do not add up to
      substance and pm material.

      And if the libs think they can make in
      roads into western Canada with a spoiled
      brat of a boy, they have another thing
      coming. All flash, ( to a few I guess he
      has "good looks"), and no substance.

      Being a drama teacher should bring some
      serious theatrics to parliament hill.

      Here is a hint for liberals: Get a
      policy already, or suffer forever.


        As nauseating as it was to listen to Trudeau’s speech, as a political junkie I was compelled to. I do think Harper does have something to fear, and I almost wish he would call a leadership race in his own party before the next election.

        But it is possible that he could do to the Liberals what was done to Stockwell Day when he became leader of the reform when Chrétien was PM. Stockwell Day was viewed as a young exciting new leader and the Liberals destroyed him. Justin is a threat to Harper as long as he keeps his nose clean and doesn’t trip up.

        I think what Harper should worry about is voters like me. I have been a strong Conservative supporter, and Harper supporter because of his reform roots and Grass roots politics. But I look at Harper today and see what I despised about his predecessors, very much top down. I despise the senate in its current state, and can’t help but notice that Conservatives don’t seem to be in any rush to change it now that they control it. The Liberals may actually give disgruntled right leaning voters like me a less scary way to send Harper packing if he doesn’t get back to his roots.

        What I find the most exciting about today is Mulcair will NEVER EVER be Prime minister of Canada.

        So wake up Mr. Harper rethink your leadership because you and your current arrogance is the largest threat to the Conservative Party.


          There is something deceptive when there is so
          little said. Them adding the"banks can steal my
          money"clause to the budget and then not a word
          said about it, then I say I would rather talk to
          Liberals, cause every question I ever asked,
          every reqiest I ever made was addressed,
          pronto, like I never expected. Now I feel like a
          ship adrift at sea and the captain is mute.


            What questions did you have addressed?


              Not sure what makes a good or great PM
              anymore. It is time for a political
              correction and as a true Liberal who has
              voted for differant parties is willing to
              give Justin a chance.If his popularity
              goes up he will have no problem attracting
              great candidates for the next election.


                The 2 direct payments to cattle producers (BSE)
                were proposed to Goodale's office in Regina and
                down the pipe she came within days, he had
                taken the torch and the program was
                administered out of Regina, designed almost
                identically matching our proposal. He wanted
                money out in 90 days. Thats what I call
                response. To the tune of Billions of dollars. I call
                a spade a spade, believe it or not. This is not to
                say I will stop doorknocking for Sask Party and
                paying, even though they dont know my name.
                That may change one day.


                  I must agree that Harper has not been
                  conservative enough for my liking. BUT. He
                  rid us of the CWB.


                    You asked and within days it was paid out ya ok.


                      Can hardly wait for the Political comic
                      relief comment from Burbert!

                      What amazes me is the Cons think they
                      have a mandate or majority(parliamentary
                      yes), but only have about 40% of the
                      popular vote with the remaining split up
                      (mostly) between the two other major
                      political parties. And they think this
                      gives them the right to ram what ever
                      they want through, which in essence it
                      does, its the system we have. Careful
                      Mr. Harper, can the Iron Man suffer the
                      same fate as Britain's Iron Lady? The
                      Party may throw him under the bus to
                      save itself.


                        You know Freewheat you said Harper had no body to fight against, thats true he didn't win on anything he was doing he won because all the rest stunk so bad. Think about that, Harper should too because he still thinks he won because he did something great, he s done nothing but sell out the country, all to oil interests foreign owned. Stick the population boom in Sask up the ass it means nothing to us in rural Sask except poorer healthcare, higher costs, no hired men etc.


                          I suppose it sucks not to hire someone for 5 dollars per hour without benefits.


                            Correction not to be able to hire someone.


                              braying was supposed to be breaking. Personally I was hoping for some breaking news. Or some action.


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