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WTF is going on with US Wheat futures?

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    WTF is going on with US Wheat futures?

    It froze again all the way down to Texas and the market shrugs off the news with a down morning.
    WTF is going on I have left phoenix and drove from Texas all the way north through Oklahoma Kansas SD ND and home many times and guess what even if its cold winter wheat is headed right up to Salina. How the hell does your wheat do when it freezes over and over at heading. ITS F$*ked! but theirs isn't.
    Some serious BS is going on down their. Serious BS.
    Oh yea and as a summer student I remember finishing exams at the UofS and told by Sask AG and food get to Regina get your car and get to maple creek as most are finished seeding.
    How much seeding is taking place in Saskatchewan today. Maybe in homes for gardens but not in fields.

    Search your U tube with the following phrase:

    Listen to Lieutenant Colonel Potter Please

    You will find an interesting gold comment. Plus
    comments about what the Colonel thinks is
    happening in the USA. Pars


      SaskFarmer, we keep hearing it froze, but has
      anyone actually checked some us weather
      stations down there for actual temps? Sometimes
      coffee shop talk can be a little out on its facts.
      tell me some areas were frost was, and if I have
      time i will check it out.


        Welcome To BullShit Based Grain Markets My Friend, Welcome To BullShit Based Grain Markets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          agchat, if you will check for overnight lows, do the list I posted under cottonpicken's thread titled "Weather", a day back. About 8 or 9 locations, that would be great!


            Markets is manipulated, can'tya get that
            through yer thick heads. Lying and
            cheating IS Angribusiness! Fhrpenrz




                Parsley third way through that video I was getting hit on the side of the head repeatedly then realized it was myself.
                Ok 2123bd file what ever the hell that is where do you get these guys from???
                Now I gotta what this dink, please tell me this guy is a joke.


                  Now I gotta watch this dink. correction.


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