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Stats Canada Seeding intentions!!!!!!!

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    Stats Canada Seeding intentions!!!!!!!

    March intentions of principal field crop areas
    2011 2012 2013 2012 to 2013
    thousands of acres % change
    Total wheat1 21,483 23,706 26,618 12.3
    Spring wheat 15,734 16,939 19,375 14.4
    Durum wheat 4,011 4,680 5,105 9.1
    Winter wheat2 1,739 2,088 2,138 2.4
    Canola 18,990 21,531 19,133 -11.1
    Barley 6,589 7,405 7,240 -2.2
    Soybeans 3,582 4,153 4,294 3.4
    Corn for grain 3,192 3,544 3,813 7.6
    Summerfallow 11,763 4,485 3,522 -21.5
    Dry field peas 2,437 3,340 3,430 2.7
    Oats 3,244 2,854 3,379 18.4
    Lentils 2,558 2,515 2,063 -18.0
    Flaxseed 740 980 1,240 26.5


    First indications are that Canadian farmers may seed 19.1 million acres of canola, down 11.1% from 2012. This would be the first decrease in canola area at the national level since 2006.

    This decrease is mainly driven by Saskatchewan, where farmers anticipate a 10.9% decrease in canola area to 10.0 million acres. Decreases in canola acreage are also expected in all other provinces. Alberta canola area may decline 8.6% to 5.9 million acres and Manitoba canola acreage may decrease 15.8% to 3.0 million acres.


      I believe that 2013 durum number, will end up being, way off. It'll be much lower.



        Nationally, spring wheat area could rise 14.4% or 2.4 million acres to 19.4 million acres in 2013. Similarly, durum wheat acreage is expected to increase for a third consecutive year to 5.1 million acres in 2013, up from 4.7 million acres in 2012.

        In Saskatchewan, intentions show spring wheat acreage rising to 9.9 million acres, up 17.0% or 1.4 million acres. Durum wheat acreage in Saskatchewan is expected to rise 7.8% to 4.4 million acres in 2013.

        In Alberta, land seeded to spring wheat could reach 6.4 million acres, up 10.5% from the area seeded in 2012. In Manitoba, farmers anticipate seeding 2.8 million acres of spring wheat, up 14.9% from 2012.


          Barley and oats

          At a national level, barley area is expected to decrease 2.2% to 7.2 million acres.

          Canadian farmers also plan to seed 3.4 million acres of oats in 2013, up 18.4% from 2012.


            Hm well looks like Ill drop durum completely.
            Drop oats all together or leave 80 to 100 acres.
            Increase barley
            rest the same.
            Oh well have to clean some more barley!


              This might be easier to read. I stole it from Farmlead's twitter feed.

              <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m441/npksetal/tksfarmleadjpglarge_zps6e2bfd29.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo tksfarmleadjpglarge_zps6e2bfd29.jpg"/></a>


                HA, ya right Saskfarmer!

                There is a long, long story to be played
                out. In a lot of ways these numbers
                don't me much personally to me. There
                could be quite easily a 10 % swing in
                acres on every single crop listed year
                based on the weather we will have in the
                next 5 weeks.

                Changing your acreage solely because of
                stats can report, especially on a year
                like this, is a pure boneheaded move!


                  Thanks for doing that busy day!


                    happy your not to bright. If its late and it is already for east sask. Oats will go in and go in big. For me also durum is a hit and miss if the south grows it and were wet and late I wont make top three grades so tell me where bone head move is.


                      I know it's late, and the weather today is crappy. But lets all take a Valium. No need for the histrionics.


                        With 11% less canola, that should mean a 11% increase in price for next yr.


                          Maybe the canola industry needs a wake up call. Their seed is the shits they have gotten away with charging outrageous prices for all aspects of growing the crop so farmers are saying F87k you in our own quiet way!

                          Yes its still april but east sask has a lot of snow to leave and melt has not really started.


                            Let's see how the next 4 days play out. Snow
                            that has melted here is just being sucked up and
                            the ground is likely not frozen and thirsty. It could
                            change pretty fast, make sure everything is ready
                            to go. The snow is pretty crystalline and could
                            disappear fast. Chin up, we could be surprised.
                            Its still April, the tax man still has to beat us up.


                              Modern Comedian framers chasing the
                              markets again! THATS WHY YOUS IS SO
                              FUNNNNNNNY boys and grills. fshengrz, eh!


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