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Hows life for the farmers post CWB ?

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    Still holding 1/2 my wheat....BECAUSE I WANT TO!!!!!IT WAS MY CHOICE. Hoping the next 3 weeks gives me another opportunity to sell the rest....gotta love choice.

    Here's the CWB at its best: 2011/12 CWB final net for my wheat was NET $6.08 on 32 Mt comprised of $5.07 initial, $0.64 interim & $0.37 final. I sold this little amount through the pool for comparison purposes.

    For the majority of my wheat, I used CWB programs to avoid the pool. AFTER PAYING THE HUGE DISCOUNT I still beat the CWB experts as I received NET $6.35 (56Mt), $6.30 (60Mt) and $6.38 (52Mt).

    If I wouldn't have been penalized by the discount, I would have been over $1.00/bu more...They held all the cards and I still beat them at their own game.

    I finally threw away the file with all my permit books. The happiest day of my life but don't tell my wife that.


      Some day the REAL story of how the "Grain Trade" with the full co-operation of the government of Canada manipulated events in western Canada to shut down any semblance of FARMER influence or control of the marketing of wheat and barley.

      Hopefully, just like the "Great Train Robbery" an expose of "The Great Grain Robbery" will tell it all...the planning and the backroom deals as well.

      Perhaps some retired civil or un-civil servant privy to the whole sordid affair could take on the job.


        Give it up Wilagro.

        Don't you find it more than just coincidental that the minute the single desk ended, the premium price incentive to truck grain to the US also disappeared?

        Or did the loss of the single desk also end the CWB's amazing ability to drive prices up in the US "premium" market.

        PS. I have completely sold and have been paid for all my 2012 wheat, durum, and barley; for good prices without the aid of the price discounting behemoth.

        Long overdue competition for my grain is finally here and working great, thanks very much.



          "price discounting behemoth"...
          .LOL... nice.


            Looks like Agriville is working again?

            An interesting postscript, my Mom was digging through old papers and found my great-grandfather's 1943-44 CWB permit book. I'll keep it as a reminder of how many generations were subject to the single desk.


              Jist ginger peachy, all causa the demise
              of the Comedian Wheatie Bored to. Short
              crop in 2012 has absolutely nothing
              whatsoever ta do wit it, and droughts
              world wide, and too much water in
              Saskabush. Yup Comedian framers is
              better taday than it was when the
              Comedian Wheatie Bored was operating.
              But wait, its still operating, driven by
              the Comedian Gobermont, which seized its
              assets and are drivin it ta ground.


                I'm going to risk feeding the potty mouth troll who
                resorts to name calling to try to compensate for
                the lack of any kind of reasonable argument as to
                why the single desk was beneficial to farmers.
                It doesn't matter what the year to year price is,
                what most demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the
                single desk since it's demise is <b>our relative
                increase in price </b>as compared to the rest of
                the market.
                There never was a US premium, for the first time
                in 70 years we have the transparency of an open
                market which clearly shows that the only thing we
                ever had was a chronic CWB discount.

                Good luck with your lawsuit trying to prove
                damages Burb; the only tangible losses are for
                you and your cronies. The rest of us are much
                better off. Theoretical losses won't stand up to
                the reality of the actual, demonstrable gains that
                western grain farmers now enjoy.

                Thank you PM Harper and Ag minister Ritz for
                ending the single desk. May we never again elect
                a government that would reinstitute a monopsony
                on western grain farmers.


                  FarmRanger said it all. I just wish those so tenaciously trying to support or resurrect the CWB could have their efforts directed toward something worthwhile.


                    Sooooooooooo, I'm gonna bait rangerdanger
                    now. The short world wide crap 2012, had
                    nothing to due with the current grain
                    prices? The demise of the Comedian
                    Wheatie Bored pools was the only thing
                    that drived the prices upward, eh?


                      there is no egos involved in this topic go hard boys u boys are the smartest people i know


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