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India has so much wheat to sell yet, twitter pic!

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    India has so much wheat to sell yet, twitter pic!

    Remember some posting here about "all" that wheat India has and how they're selling it so much cheaper than us. While here's a twitter pic of some of it, this is how most of India's wheat is stored!

    [URL="https://twitter.com/bleating_lamb/status/330317935333740544/photo/1"]Wheat India has yet to Sell[/URL]

    They can eat it, and if they can sell it, all the power to them. But to compare that, with the wheat for sale in Canada, well,,,it's an effin' insult to compare the two products.

    Free Rat sh*t and mould included.
    None of that could ever get into our system even as feed.


      If I hauled that to an elevator, I would receive a
      lifetime ban.
      Quite sure no feedlot would take it either.


        fjlip, that was the fist thing in my mind when I saw that spoiled grain. Imagine the rats feeding from there!

        It looks like an excellent opportunity for Coverall, or a grain bin company, heck even a bagger is better than that.

        There are a lot of starving impoverished people in India, the country is politically stable, somehow I wonder if they could use the surplus to get nutrition to them?

        This sounds racist, but it seems to me as though the people in India expect results from others. They kind of try to get as much money invested and work done by others as possible. If it doesnt happen then they dont care. Like that rotting grain pile. Is this a culture thing? Or, am I waaay out of line.


          That picture makes me wonder how much other shit is sitting as inventory by countries. The markets believe were in a surplus. Id bet this is common in some of these countries. Yet they cause our grain prices to drop. That is shit even their poorest people wouldn't eat it. Hell even the rats wouldn't eat that shit.


            Don't think it is a cuture thing as much as a human thing hobbyfrmr.

            What does political stability mean? I think it is control. Control is the key. Humans deciding how things should work. And at government or even our current monetary or world banking level, someone is always left to suffer for the so called benefit of the whole.

            I would be willing to bet that our overall waste in North America is at least that of India. Just not in such an obvious way as this extreme picture. Our society has so many middle groups involved with secondary processing, packaging, distribution, etc. etc. that the waste is not in plain sight. A little here (thrown away), a little there (thrown away) and then the stuff off our plates at the restaurant or kitchen table (thrown away) to top it all off. Good thing we don't have rats here in Alberta LMAO. But then again, they would simply die due to all the plastic they would have to consume trying to get at the wasted food.

            What this picture shows me is that the excuse most producers use for using chemical and fertilizer to produce "more" is silly. We do not need more production, just better distribution.

            And yes, I know that every one of you producers will then argue that the profit for your farm is not there. I understand that as well and wish we could find a better way.

            Semper Ad Meliora

            Sorry for butting in on you grain guys, the cattle forum is a little slow these days. LOL


              Raiser, are you talking about this?



                The main problem with the wheat in India is the government bought all
                this wheat as intervention stock at a higher price to subsidize its
                landowners. World market prices are lower and no one wants to be the
                fall guy realizing the loss. So it sits and rots instead.


                  wow hobbyfrmr. Great film. First time I have seen it. Guess we all better try for 150 bushel per acre wheat this year?

                  Or is this movie a conspiracy theory scam?


                    Rk, I am not sure how truthful it is. I just stumbled
                    over this'd me plan to watch the full documentary.

                    I still hope everyone gets high yeilds for sure. It
                    has been proven over and over that high volumes
                    help out in times of low prices.


                      I plan to watch the full documentary.


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