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Friday Crop Report!

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    Friday Crop Report!

    Seeding is just under way in our area of the province. Actually Regina to Yorkton, seems most just started Tuesday. Moisture conditions are really good but if mother nature continues with the wind and heat from now on for two more weeks that will change very fast. Missed the rain the other day so full steam ahead. 7% done to 15% would be the area average by tomorrow night. Fricking winter wheat that went in last fall and didn't seem to come up is now up in rows. Go figure. The shit must be getting better. No problems with Ammonia or liquid, or diesel.
    Soy orders for seed have seen a decline of some 3000 out of the 10000 acres projected for this area. On nice thing this year if you heavy harrow in morning your seeding the next day with no problems.

    No seeding happening, we got the RAIN!
    Fields are slimy wet, water still running.
    Harrowing around water, some N being applied, need a week of sun and wind for good conditions. Roads and yards soft. Any rain and it's into June.


      Done seeding. Have had 20-30 degrees with 60-90km winds since we started. A tonne of seed sitting in dry dirt around here. On irrigation, pivots running like its July. Need rain badly.


        Justice would be you get rain, I get sun and heat. Will know in a few weeks, hope we are both happy.


          Flip missed the rain it went just north, I agree with
          you jetjto can have rain we need sun.


            Lots and lots of areas in Albertie, have
            not, or are just getting goin, round
            sloughs, low land very muddy yet! Sunny
            South though is the only part that counts
            in Albertie anyways. fharper en ritzie,


              Harrowed about 4 acres today, but quit. Too wet. On my earliest, driest land...
              Not a lot of water, but pure mud. Hilltops just right.

              Ahh well, next week! Hopefully no rain tomorrow.


                Should be over half done tonight if everything holds together and rain stays away.


                  Don't look at weathermaps.org,,,,YIKES


                    80% done. Early durum up in semi rows. Looks
                    like 85% germinated and the rest dried out at an
                    inch. Need water to get everything going. Canola
                    half in moisture half in dust.


                      JD did you get your rain last night?


                        Close to JD. 70% done. SF3, enough of a shower
                        to settle the dust.


                          We did, 4/10" more. Yesterday was wetter than before the 6/10" Monday, now back about a week. T-storms a month, early before seeding!


                            No rain last night. Like zee said just enough to
                            settle dust. Took a good look at the early durum
                            this morning and looks better than I thought. I've
                            seen way way worse bust the bins at harvest


                              Getting everything in in two weeks will make
                              things interesting at harvest. Things won't be
                              spread out like they are most years.


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