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    Who here listens to podcasts while they're doing field work? What do you listen to and how do you do it?

    I've been doing it more and more since I got my iPhone last year. Its much better than just listening to the radio in the cab. I use ear-buds and then put big hearing protectors over top so I can leave the volume down as low as possible.


      At this point the Adam Corolla podcast as well as the Adam Corolla app is what I use the most. There's lots of different things to listen to on the app.

      I also like the Freakonomics podcast and listen to Coach's corner every now and then via podcasts.


        One of the nice things about using ear-buds is that it's real easy to take a phone call with them on.

        The downside is they do get a bit irritating after awhile. And your ears get a bit warm wearing the big ear muffs overtop all the time.


          Couldn't be bothered...besides its enough trouble handling the horses without more distractions. I suppose I could listen while they are on a rest break or when I need a cool drink. Nah!! most of it propaganda anyway.


            As long as you stay away from the CBC podcasts propaganda is not a big problem.


              Depending on who he's interviewing, Jay Mohr isn't


                Piling bush with my cat can become a boring
                monotonous job. The young guy I hired to run it
                used ear buds and then noise dampening ear
                muffs to listen to his I tunes. He had a play list of
                a couple hundred songs he said.

                Occasionally I catch a pod cast on my I phone.
                Usually from Farm Business mgmt council. Today
                I trucking fertilizer and on here


                  I found an app the other day that lets you listen to live NHL hockey games. Its called hockey radio. But it cuts in and out if you don't have a consistent internet connection.


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