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    Unfortunately ignorance is not a choice
    and far too many people make these
    decisions based on dogma and propaganda.
    Those choices not only cause undo stress
    to those of us that work our asses off
    to feed the world but also millions of
    people that would benefit from higher
    producing crops or in the case of rice,
    GE to produce more vitamin A saving
    thousands of children from blindness.
    This issue is quickly dancing on a whole
    new ethical debate.


      There are a few issues I see arising for farmers
      that I will pit in Agriville's coffeetable this
      morning, albeit an unwelcome contribution.

      1. Wheat Belly (yes, I recognize my redundancy)
      prompted media rapport with it's message;
      hence, bakeries and manufactureres are sourcing
      alternate grains, while premiun wheat sales will
      continue to trend downwards. That is not good
      financially, for farmers. You are spending money
      on new wheat varieties, which profits breeders
      and marketers, but does nothing for sales to
      bakeries who won't buy your wheat. Your money
      would be better spent in finding out WHY
      consumers are avoiding wheat and wheat
      products so the exercise is not repeated, and
      replaced buy a newer model with a different
      color. But still faulty. Consider the words:
      allergens. Celiacs. Bowel syndrome

      To not do so, means farmers will watch their
      markets dwindle. parsley


        Ado, what you call ignorance is what I call
        rejection. and I also reject the
        Blindkid/starvingAfrican plea. Poor people cannot
        afford to buy the food you offer at a pricey-price.

        Nor can Canada any longer afford to subsidize
        what you grow.

        And the rich people who can afford to buy what
        you grow, are rejecting what you grow.

        Facts are difficult to deal with. Rather like waking
        up in the morning, sobering up, and discovering
        she really is an ugly, ugly bitch. Parsley


          All about choice folks.

          If you chose to believe you are feeding a world lacking food. Your choice. More than enough to go around, especially if we don't waste it.

          If you choose to think you are helping society in some other way. Your choice. However, give those people a choice as well and label your product.

          So many rules in place for labeling "natural" or "organic" products, however each time a new chemical is used on food it is simply labeled "safe".

          Label your grain or the products produced by your grain.

          I actually like this whole chem farming thing for those of you who have no fear. More than enough food on the planet now and for the estimated 9 billion where every study says we will top out. So grow your chem crops. Once the labeling is done, people will choose the naturally grown products and you can create fuel for the tractors on the Organic land. Brilliant.

          Forge on Bravely


            if Monsanto wants to modify a crop so that you
            are able to urinate out of your ear (hyperbole), so
            be it: as long as Monsanto takes responsibility for
            the any unintended consequences which accrue
            from their invention.

            If this article is true:


            It appears that Monsanto can hatch any horror,
            but owes human beings, and the world, no
            acountability, no compensation, no
            discontinuance, no morality, and no sense of

            Monsanto has worked diligently to get exemption
            from any responsibility. Pars.


              The truth as I see it has nothing to do with the
              hungry people in the world. It has everything to
              do with bottom line. If it was true, the producers
              would be giving grain away, all winter long. They
              would ship and distribute to the needy.
              Meanwhile the food that I feed my grandchildren
              may be loaded with poison, because the
              government refuses to test and publicly publicize
              the results. If organic producers are fraudulently
              misrepresenting their product, they should be
              prosecuted. I know of an organic producer who
              was caught, he's not organic this year, wonder


                Just wondering....how do you organic
                guys eat at any restaurant,fair booth
                fast food joint or have a beer of any
                brand and so on and so forth you can bet
                your bottom dollar that none of that was
                organic grain,beef,pork,chicken. It
                seems like the organic guys believe that
                if you don't buy into what their doing
                well then you must have some sort of
                death wish or are trying to somehow
                poison people on purpose. And by the way
                aren't most organic farmers the ones
                that turn ethical and organic when their
                conventional operation is pretty well
                bankrupt to the point that they can't
                get enough capitol together for inputs?
                Okay you can rip me apart now.


                  "More than enough food on the planet now and for the estimated 9 billion where every study says we will top out."

                  Show me where this gem of a quote came from.

                  When we get to 9 billion, my thoughts are that those people will determine if they have "topped out".

                  Until then, I'll stand on "First and only time I've heard that all the current population could be properly fed today; or that 9 billion is the max human population on mother earth.

                  Calling BS again.


                    People have been saying that agriville's
                    gone dead since the end of the CWB
                    monopoly. Yet I have never been so
                    interested and enlightened on this forum
                    as in reading this here thread.

                    Thank you all so much for posting on
                    this extremely touchy subject, with
                    clarity and honesty (except the barbs
                    towards hanmer, those were way off

                    There isn't a more important topic to be
                    addressed in grain farming today. Hats
                    off for your courage in bringing the
                    debate home, please keep it coming.
                    Excited to be learning...


                      I agree, sk_wheatking , that some financially-
                      compromised farmers attempt to farm organically
                      because they can no longer access credit. And
                      also many of them switch from their failing grain
                      operations to conventional cattle operations. Or
                      sheep. Or elk. Viability is part of farming, and
                      many factors threaten viability, incl marital
                      breakups, sickness, incompetency, etc.

                      But onerous organic paperwork will blanch the
                      enthusiasm of most any struggler, and they soon
                      exit. I find that more often, larger operations are
                      entering organics, and grow more uncommon
                      crops which are often sold directly to a plant.

                      Lack of supply seems to be the chronic organic
                      problem, especially since Whole Foods are
                      expanding so much.

                      For myself, sk_wheatking, I eat in diners, gas
                      stations and fine restaurants, at the neighbours, in
                      other countries, spicy-hot hot hot food, unknown
                      food. But if I have a choice, I try to choose
                      healthy food; foods with as little contamintion as
                      possible. A orange instead of a hunk of maple
                      walnut fudge. Oatmeal porridge a better choice
                      than Cheesies for breakfast, although I have a
                      penchant for the latter.

                      I'm among the lucky, though. I don't have irritated
                      Bowl Syndrome. My neighbour is a chronic celiac
                      who suffers for days if he sneaks a piece of whole
                      wheat toast. One extended family member
                      spends all his painful time in the bathroom if the
                      food contains gluten.

                      I note that allergies are growing. Do you? I note
                      that allergies affect a wider range of ages. Do

                      As farmers, I believe we need to keep an eye on
                      what the eating world is swallowing, and
                      experiencing and thus, needing.

                      sk_wheatking can sell wheat to Mrs. Consumer
                      for wheat salad. But my celiac neighbour will not
                      buy your wheat berries. What makes him so
                      allergic? What is the cause? Why the epidemic?
                      Good questions for the farmers growing wheat, I

                      Organic growers actually fill a large part of that
                      market that you normally do not service.
                      Amaranth. Kamut. Spelt. Ancient grains.

                      You will be glad organics stay in business should
                      you develop allergies, because eating is a lifelong
                      pleasure 3x per day, 365 days per year for your
                      entire life. Parsley


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