If any religionist committs an atrocity in a country
where the Rule of Law rules, he is subject to
punishment, no matter what his holy book says ,
or what holy book he quotes, including the
Qaran, as the legitimacy for his crime.
Church and state are separated in Canada and
you can't quote Leviticus to a Supreme Court
Justice as a reason to be found not guilty.
Leviticus is not the law.
On the other hand, Islamists commit attrociies in
countries ruled by Sharia law, all over the world;
daily. Islamists who slice up humans and eat
bodyparts are truly unhuman.
Yet, Islamists quote the Qaran as the source of
their moral permission to behead a non- believer
or to crucify a gay teenager. Most importantly,
Sharia law legally endorses the beheading and
crucifixion because a state upholding Sharia Law
endorses their holy book - the Qaran.
Islamists justify their atrocities using their "holy"
book, using the legal arm of Islam to uphold the
atrocity. Christians do not.
State and religion stand arm in arm to not only
encourage, but legitimize honor killings, and
jihad, and throat slitting.
You should make an effort to understand the
difference between a country under the Rule of
Law versus Sharia law. Daughters and wives are
properties in the latter.
Christians cannot legally kill disbelievers, nor
wish to, but Islamists legally kill disbelievers, and
vow to.
Islamists cannot be allowed to become
Canadian citizens. As a woman, it's a merely a
matter of life and death. Parsley
If any religionist committs an atrocity in a country
where the Rule of Law rules, he is subject to
punishment, no matter what his holy book says ,
or what holy book he quotes, including the
Qaran, as the legitimacy for his crime.
Church and state are separated in Canada and
you can't quote Leviticus to a Supreme Court
Justice as a reason to be found not guilty.
Leviticus is not the law.
On the other hand, Islamists commit attrociies in
countries ruled by Sharia law, all over the world;
daily. Islamists who slice up humans and eat
bodyparts are truly unhuman.
Yet, Islamists quote the Qaran as the source of
their moral permission to behead a non- believer
or to crucify a gay teenager. Most importantly,
Sharia law legally endorses the beheading and
crucifixion because a state upholding Sharia Law
endorses their holy book - the Qaran.
Islamists justify their atrocities using their "holy"
book, using the legal arm of Islam to uphold the
atrocity. Christians do not.
State and religion stand arm in arm to not only
encourage, but legitimize honor killings, and
jihad, and throat slitting.
You should make an effort to understand the
difference between a country under the Rule of
Law versus Sharia law. Daughters and wives are
properties in the latter.
Christians cannot legally kill disbelievers, nor
wish to, but Islamists legally kill disbelievers, and
vow to.
Islamists cannot be allowed to become
Canadian citizens. As a woman, it's a merely a
matter of life and death. Parsley