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    Hobby 30 x 16 gives you 480 - 300 gives you 180
    profit on1000 that's making money. Not feeding
    them product for no profit!


      Actually Soy does better in wet conditions than canola. That is one of the reasons we switched. As long as you can get it established it will do well in a wet summer if the warmth is there.


        Very few farms produced a farm wide
        average of 30 last year. Try 24 x 13
        hobby. That is why canola is up.


          Exactly Hobby, 100 % agree with you.
          Arguing about the fact that canola acres
          wont go in, soy is wet, canada is wet,
          Bla, Bla, Bla tends to go to far some
          times on here. Could all those
          circumstance some to light, sure they
          could. Do i feel bad for they guys that
          cant get the rest of there crop in, of
          course i do. But there is still a big
          story to be played out in North America.
          Best quote i have heard this year and i
          keep going back to was something cotton
          put on here this winter from Mark Twain
          quoting "It's not what you know that
          gets you in trouble, its what you know
          for certain that's not true that does"

          And a fast fact, this is the 3 wettest
          May on record of Iowa. The wettest was
          2004, the same year that state produced
          the highest yielding corn and soybean
          crop on record. There is a big story to
          be played out yet. Making predictions on
          the 2013 crop on May the 29 is


            oh ya and hopper check out bunge in
            Harrowby, they are 110 over nov for June
            delivery, can truck canola a long way for
            30 bucks a tonne.

            Just a thought.


              I do agree once soy is up they love water, once
              their up not sitting in bag drill or mud! I have
              seeded in mud for way to many years its good for
              shit! Some have been spoiled , he'll I use to think
              we couldn't ever have to much rain, we'll guess
              what you can!


                can chalie step in here and mention somthing
                about demand. this stuff we are growing is not
                recyclable as food as say copper and iron for
                instance is recycleable i notice he is quite
                conservative lately. ... no one is actually selling
                new crop anything are they? its a stand off


                  Yes there is solid demand growth around oilseeds in general and canola in particular. For my two bits, I think it is early to suggest a crop failure. My core focus would be around managing price and production risk around your crop in a world of uncertainty. I wouldn't have a problem in pulling the trigger on some of expected 2013 production at current levels if you haven't done anything to date. That is an individual manager decision based on your businesses needs and risk taking ability/style.

                  Perhaps to highlight that the futures market is not a forecast of the future prices. It is a price at a point in time where a willing buyer and seller are willing to shake hands (metaphorically) on price each participant for their reason based on their needs. If you disagree, there is nothing forcing you to participate.

                  Talked to someone today who had purchased a selection of new crop wheat puts over the winter. Expensive but the individual is very happy with that decision at this point in time. The idea is to set your market plan, understand the tools that will make it happen and execute on your strategy when appropriate to your business goals.


                    Just got this week's emalt and saw the following weekly quote.

                    "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."
                    Marcus Aurelius

                    Don't know if it fits but an interesting perspective.


                      Same cab be said for the BS out of the USDA etc.
                      all last year you said it wasn't that bad of a canola
                      crop we all know how right you were with that.
                      Bins will be empty come July wonder why.


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