Perhap I am missing something but what about has been happening with the 2012/13 canola situation that has suggested the market hasn't been dealing with the tight carryover. Given 99 % of canola enters the commercial handling so looking at the numbers is relatively easy. CGC numbers point to a 500,000 tonne carryover which is still tight when you are looking at monthly disappearance of 1 MMT.
New crop is another discussion. I have not nor will I put out a 2013 production number. I suspect you found me pretty wishy washy last year as well. The market will be the ultimate determiner of value - not forecasts by any institution. If you think the market is undervalued, stay long.
New crop is another discussion. I have not nor will I put out a 2013 production number. I suspect you found me pretty wishy washy last year as well. The market will be the ultimate determiner of value - not forecasts by any institution. If you think the market is undervalued, stay long.