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Diesel in Engine oil on tractor

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    Diesel in Engine oil on tractor

    We had our engine rebuilt on our JD 9200.

    We put on 28 hours and lost all oil pressure. The
    crankcase filled with diesel fuel. I would say it was
    half diesel and half brake in oil 10w 30.

    We took it back to the dealership and they repaired
    it they say it was a bad injector.

    We got it back again and put 8 hours on and the
    same thing happened again.

    They sent a service truck out to our farm and
    repaired it again. Again there was more diesel than
    oil when they drained it out. The diesel was
    actually leaking out of the top of the valve cover.

    They repaired it and said they had the wrong
    injectors in and that is what caused this to happen.

    SInce this has happened we have put another 175
    hours on the tractor with no trouble.

    It is not using any oil and everything seems to be
    running fine.

    We now have a $25,000 bill to pay for the engine
    job that was done.

    They say there should be no damage done from the
    diesel in the oil.

    I am thinking some damage must have been done.

    We have one year warrenty on the engine but we
    may only put another 50 hours on the engine this
    year. I am thinking with the oil so diluted it would
    be like putting 5000 hours on the engine.

    I am thinking we should get extra warrenty or get
    an inspectilon done of the crank and bearings
    before we pay the bill.

    Any adivice would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    Losing oil pressure is NOT good. How long did it run without pressure, was that twice? Wrong injectors! One would think that should never happen. Get something in writing if you keep the tractor next year. $25000 lesson? Or educating dealership techs?


      If there that was much diesel in the crankcase
      after such a short period of time from a slobbering
      injector then the cylinder walls would have been
      washed down of any lubricating oil and premature
      engine wear will definitely have occurred. Cylinder
      head should be removed and cylinders should be
      inspected or at the very least a compression test
      should be performed on each hole to determine
      their condition.


        It happened twice. First time we ran for 28 hours or
        so before anything happened.

        The day it happened first time oil was at correct level
        in morning and we ran for about 8 hours and then we
        lost pressure so not sure how long it ran with deisel
        but know it was less than 8 hours.

        Second time we ran 8 hours so it was less than 8 hours
        not sure how much less.


          insist on an inframe rebuild at the very
          least new pots pistons rings roll in a
          new set of bearings....they have it in
          their budget. be firm and respectful,
          wouldn't hurt to mention you have a
          lawyer friend as well. don't give up.
          can't imagine why a 9200 needs an engine
          recondtioning. I did an inframe on my
          1976 4630 aT 10,000 Hrs, 2500 hrs ago.
          did it myself because of problems
          neighbors had with the dealer.
          good luck


            dont pay the bill.
            tell them to do it again properly, then you pay.


              We only had 3900 hours on our 9200. We had a oil
              leak on oil pan and wanted get reart seal checked
              out so we took it in. When they dropper the oil pan
              there was a small peace of piston in the oil pan.
              The tractor was running fine amd there was no
              indication before they dropped the oil pan that any
              thing was wrong.

              We got the tractor back a few days before we
              started to seed. We lost 3.5 seeding days with the
              tractor down.

              Got all our seeding done.


                I should do a spell check or put my glasses on before I
                post after reading my last post again.


                  Tell the dealer you're gonna post his name on


                    I am assuming that that engine has a common rail system and electronic injectors, so it is quite likely the fuel leak was around the injector seals and because of compression went straight into the oil. There is little possiblilty that engine life hasn't been reduced significantly running underload with that much oil dilution. Insisting that they give you an extended warranty is one approach. Another would be to tear the engine down and inspect, measure and replace any suspect parts. Very unlikely they would agree to do that, and if their work is suspect probably not that great an idea. I would personally, when they insist that your engine is just fine tell them that in that case the tractor is a premium trade and they should give you top dollars for it. Good Luck



                      Extended Warranty with JD backing it will go a long
                      way to resolving this.

                      1. Do an oil analysis and find out if there is abnormal
                      metal wear that is in the oil.

                      2. Do a compression test... make sure everything is

                      3. Do a dyno test to make sure the engine is putting
                      out the 9200 specified HP.

                      4. Get the longest and best extended JD Warr... the JD
                      rebuilder should supply that free now it is their
                      problem.... in writing. Agreement continued oil
                      analysis; If it goes bad/out of spec... they fix it... and
                      they pay to change the oil.



                        Our dealer has been very good to us and they
                        tried to get us going as fast as they could.
                        They would have got us a loaner tractor if they did
                        not get our tractor going so fast.
                        We want to be fair with them and work something
                        out that is fair for everyone.


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