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Primary Elevator Space

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    Primary Elevator Space


    The CWB, on the Jan 13 said:

    "Primary elevator space for the week ending January 11 was 25 per cent. Primary elevator space by province: Manitoba – 27 per cent, Saskatchewan – 22 per cent and Alberta – 29 per cent."

    Now does this mean the grain handling system is 75% full, with 25% space to take in more grain,

    Or does the grain in store take up 25% of the space, with the other 75% empty?

    Tom, I'll jump out on a limb & say it means the elevators have 25% space remaining. 75% of capacity is filled with grain. My 2 cents.


      If the numbers that are reported are correct, then in future years we will be facing a shortage of elevator space. Remember this is a poor DROUGHT year. It would appear that the grain companies are setting up another way to manipulate us.



        I suspect that given the port labour problems this year, a backed-up elevator system is not all that surprising. I also think that the elevators may still be storing a lot of last year's crop, given that this year's is so poor. The space situation might change dramatically by this time next year.

        Why do you think this is just "manipulation" by the grain companies?


          Could it be some elevators are full of imported corn?I know the one close to me has a fair amount of corn in storage.


            liberty, My point is that with the closing of many elevators across the landscape recently, I doubt grain companies have the capacity they used to have. Having to haul long distances, makes us more dependent than ever on their good will. We will be forced to deliver according to their timetable and will forever, continue to be the price takers. I don't for a second believe that they are still storing last years crop, since they are now so efficient in grain handling.


              As of Jan 12, CGC reported primary elevator stocks were (in 000 tonnes):

              Wheat 1,224.0
              Durum 497.1
              Oats 149.7
              Barley 308.0
              Flax 27.7
              Canola 509.2
              Peas 30.3
              Corn 37.7

              Total 2,783.7

              Total licensed primary elevator space is 5.29 million tonnes (down from around 6.6 million tonnes not that long ago)

              This makes it 52.6% of the space is being used, or 47.4% free space.

              At the terminals, the CWB compares the amount of grain that's instore with "working capacity" which is about 65% of licenced capacity. Since you always need room to move things around in a terminal to receive, clean, blend and ship, when you have more stocks than the working capacity, it becomes very difficult to operate.

              Perhaps the CWB is looking at primary elevator space the same way. If so, "working capacity" would be about 3.4 million tonnes and current stocks would take up about 82% of this. This would lead to a "space" estimate of about 18%.

              I don't know if that's what they are doing, but it's one possible explanation.



                While it's true that there are fewer elevators on the prairies than there used to be, they are significantly larger than before and capable of dealing with much larger numbers of grain cars. I don't see this as a negative; in fact, I see it as a positive development that should have been undertaken much sooner.

                Populating the prairies with small elevators with small sidings was, I believe, a huge mistake on part of the prairie pools, a mistake which may have a lot to do with Sask Wheat Pool going under. These small facilities were just too inefficient and wound up costing farmers money.



                  Thankyou for the info... the Corn# seems suspect(low)... I wonder if Condo space (what is in store in Condo's at primary elevators) is included in the Primary Elevator numbers of stored grain?

                  I know elevators started storeing imported corn in condo room only while harvest was going on last fall.


                    Liberty It is obvious that you've bought into the new reality, hook line and sinker. I guess time will tell us how profitable the new way of thinking is. I can already understand how, the laying off of grain company employees, in small locations, the tearing down of elevators, the loss of local retail outlets agriproducts and the general distain shown producers by grain companies is a positive influence for the farm. All of this in the name of cost cutting which will benefit farmers, ha,ha,!!! They've done it again,sucked us in, GRAIN COMPANIES, and the RAILWAYS are in bed together, they are the CROOKS, not the CWB as the enlightened few out there contend. All the current Gov'ts don't care about farms cause they don't vote Liberal and never will. VALUE ADDED, what a joke, ostriches, emus, chinchillas, bison, poplar pellets, chopsticks, spices, pharmaceuticals, pyramid schemes of all sorts,GMO canola, corn and beans NOW TOO. Wow what next, I may plant light bulbs this Spring.
                    Nobody seems to understand, that we are limited, by climate as to what we can produce and raise for profit. But it isn't SEXY enough to concentrate on the old ways, that is making them better. SORRY TO RANT BUT THE BS AND COLD WEATHER SEEM TO BE GETTING TO ME!!


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