Just a note to be aware of a problem I just ran
into. Story goes like this. Last Saturday sprayed
first 1/4 of peas with odyssey. Had 40 gallons left
in sprayer that stayed in till Monday. Reloaded
with odyssey Monday morning and moved to the
next half section. Unfolded and walked along
boom with remote control and flushed a couple
gallons thru each section and checked nozzles.
Started and sprayed field. Went back tonight 4.5
days after spraying and found the first 1/4 mile x
120 feet completely fried.. (3 acres). The culprit
in my opinion is HEAT from last years desiccating.
There has been close to 10,000 acres of
glypho/aim/24D/Reglone put thru the sprayer
since the HEAT was used. The merge adjuvant is
a great tank cleaner if left in the booms for a
couple days. Hope no one else has this happen.
I could have easily flushed 30 gallons thru the
boom prior to starting and problem would have
gone away. Liberty is another fantastic tank
cleaner as well I have found over the years.
Good luck all.
into. Story goes like this. Last Saturday sprayed
first 1/4 of peas with odyssey. Had 40 gallons left
in sprayer that stayed in till Monday. Reloaded
with odyssey Monday morning and moved to the
next half section. Unfolded and walked along
boom with remote control and flushed a couple
gallons thru each section and checked nozzles.
Started and sprayed field. Went back tonight 4.5
days after spraying and found the first 1/4 mile x
120 feet completely fried.. (3 acres). The culprit
in my opinion is HEAT from last years desiccating.
There has been close to 10,000 acres of
glypho/aim/24D/Reglone put thru the sprayer
since the HEAT was used. The merge adjuvant is
a great tank cleaner if left in the booms for a
couple days. Hope no one else has this happen.
I could have easily flushed 30 gallons thru the
boom prior to starting and problem would have
gone away. Liberty is another fantastic tank
cleaner as well I have found over the years.
Good luck all.